Chapter Two: The Quest Request

Start from the beginning

"I didn't slay Deathshadow in seconds, I almost died trying to kill him!", said Waldo.

"I actually want this guy to end the world, I wanna die! These are the questions everyone asks: why do we live, why do we die? Life is pointless to begin with!", said Melissa.

"Fighting a god actually sounds fun! I ain't getting my sports team back anytime soon, so I'm in! I wanna beat this guy in a basketball tournament! Or a marching band competition! I wonder if he's part of the Blue Devils, he certainly is ugly like a devil!", said Josh.

"Yeah, Mr. Jock! He ain't gonna play against you on a basketball field! Or on a football field! Josh, this is gonna be on a battlefield!", said Shawn.

"Yeah, it most certainly will be! Listen, I know it sounds like the End is near! But we still have time on our hands! Maybe we don't have to kill Nousaurong! Perhaps we can prevent him from being revived! The Cult of Nousaurong are the ones determined to bring him back from the dead, so we just have to stop them before they revive him!", said Waldo.

"You heard what the Superior said, the Blood Clan was nearly a sub-cult, and those guys were tough!", said Shawn.

"Yeah, and Waldo defeated them on his own! That was epic!", said Jack.

"Yeah, but Shawn is right! This cult is a lot stronger than the Blood Clan, so I can't defeat them by myself, so that's why I need your help! The quest we're about to go on will require a lot of cooperation, risk, imagination, and a lot of courage! The odds will be stacked against us! I can't guarantee you that we'll make it back to Earth, and even if we won't be the same!", said Waldo.

"Yeah, we'll gain superhero steroids and become OP, just like you! I wanna do this quest! I need to do something to lose weight! I'm fat, I wanna be skinny!", said Curly.

"Curly, you're not diabetic!", said Shawn.

"No, but I have been struggling in P.E. Class, you know, before the Locrithian Invasion!", said Curly.

"Listen, you all have endured a lot since the Battle of Washington DC, that's my fault! My archenemy wanted to strike fear into my heart, that's why he attacked our planet! But those guys that held you captive worshipped the same guy we're up against! Not to mention, when I came here to interrogate the Superior, he said that our parents, John and Jenna Zar, might be alive! They've been captured by the Cult of Nousaurong and who knows what they've done to them! If we do nothing, they could be dead! The fate of the Multiverse and our parents rest our shoulders!", said Waldo.

"Yeah, the Superior said something about that! If mom and dad are still alive, I'm in! Let's do this!", said Jack.

"Good! According to the Superior, mom and dad are held hostage in a parallel universe known as Spacechase, a universe that is known for being advanced in magic. Our universe is known for being advanced in science. Spacechase is also where we're going to take down the nerve center of the Cult of Nousaurong," said Waldo.

"So we're traveling to another universe?!", said Jack.

"Come onto my ship, all of you. Next stop, Spacechase," said Waldo.

Out of the sky came a big, awesome spaceship.

"This is the Zar Voyager, home of the Agent Kids!", said Waldo.

They got on the spaceship.

"THIS IS SO COOL!!!!! I'M IN AN ACTUAL SPACESHIP!!!!!!", screamed Jack.

"You've seen spaceships before, why are you surprised?!", said Shawn.

"Yeah, I was running away from those ships! I've never been IN one before!", cheered Jack.

"So how does this inter-dimensional travel work?", said Curly.

"During my last fight against Deathshadow, I retrieved a powerful stone known as the Astrogem, a Cosmic Gem that controls the fabric of space. So I transferred some of its energy into the ship's hyperdrive. Then I traveled to Spacechase and gave the Astrogem to the Oridians for safekeeping, couldn't risk having it fall into the wrong hands. So using the upgraded hyperdrive, the machine that enables me to travel faster than light, I can travel fifty million times faster than light! Although, a little warning, if you have motion sickness, it's gonna be Asmeth for you!", said Waldo.

"Asmeth?", said Jack.

"A very bad place, so bad that not even the wicked go there for punishment. That's where Nousaurong's prison is," said Waldo.

"Wait, if you have motion sickness?! I HAVE MOTION SICKNESS!!!!!", screamed Jack.

"Oh, even people without motion sickness get sick. Everything's about to get weird," said Waldo.

Waldo pulled a lever. The ship glowed with bright intensity. Then it flew really fast. Really really fast! Far faster than light could ever be! It was so fast that everyone started to distort. Everyone was screaming, all of their voices moving from high pitch to low pitch.


"YOU LOOK LIKE A SNAKE!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!", screamed Shawn, at high pitched chipmunk voice.

Jack's torso extended across the Zar Voyager, like a snake. Shawn was squeezed flat to his seat, and looked like a fat dwarf. Curly looked as skinny as a stick figure from a child's drawing! Traveling across dimensions is crazy!

Despite traveling really really really really fast, it seemed to take hours for the Zar Voyager to reach Spacechase. Every second, they were in some weird new exotic universe. One had was made out of hands. One was full of eyes. One was a kaleidoscope. Jack saw so many weird things.


Talking backwards, Waldo screamed, "!!!!!!SI EREHT DEEDNI !!!!!!!!!!! HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA"

"I'M NOT FAT ANYMORE!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!", screamed Curly, in a high pitched opera voice.

For what seemed like hours of super speedy weirdness, it actually took them a split second to reach Spacechase. This was it, no turning back now.

Spacechase 1: Rise of The Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now