Chapter 2

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Looking around the room they are in, Camila runs a hand through her hair. "I guess we're staying the night in here."

Lauren shivered. "It's freezing."

"Good thing I brought this then." Camila responds, showing her bag. "It has a pillow and blanket inside."

"You came prepared." Lauren nodded.

Nodding, Camila takes the pillow and two blankets out of the bag. Laying one down on the ground before laying down herself. "Come here."

Lauren hesitated for a moment before lying down beside Camila.

Wrapping the blanket around them, Camila sighs and wraps an arm around her. "Was your relationship with Ty real?"

Lauren shook her head. "I was forced."

"I never truly liked him." The younger girl mumbles.

Lauren shook her head. "He's an ass."

"You should get some sleep." Camila responds softly.

Lauren nodded slowly and closed her eyes.

Slowly, Camila relaxes, listening to Lauren's slow and even breathing. She stays up the whole night to make sure Lauren is safe.

Lauren rolled over in Camila's arms and slowly woke up as the light shone brightly in her eyes.

"Morning." Camila whispers softly, that's when Lauren noticed the scar on her cheek.

"Morning." Lauren yawned and rubbed her eyes. "What's the scar on your cheek? How'd you get it?"

Closing her eyes, Camila takes a deep breath before pulling away and sitting up. "Two months into this hellish new world, I had a run in with a group." She responds, she didn't want to talk about what happened to her or her family.

"What happened?" Lauren asked.

"We should try and get out of here." The younger girl responds, her jaw clenching and unclenching.

"You didn't answer my question." Lauren muttered.

Rolling her eyes, Camila begins putting everything back in the bag before handing Lauren a knife. "Let's go."

Lauren stretched out her arms and ran her fingers through her hair, gripping the knife tightly.

"Stay close." Camila breathes out, strapping on her bag before pulling out her sword.

Opening the door, she kills four biters in one swing, quickly pulling Lauren out the door.

They get close to the exit and Camila pushes on the door, cursing when she realizes it's locked.

"Laur, I'm going to distract them, see if you can get someone's attention." Camila breathes out, standing protectively in front of the older girl.

Lauren turned and looked through the window. She could just make out some people on the other side. She began banging on the window.

Daryl appeared to be the only one who noticed, the dark-haired man moving over and quickly opening the door.

Not noticing the door opening, Camila continued taking down walkers.

"Camila!" Lauren yelled.

"Go, there's too many of them." Camila yells, pushing a walker back before stabbing another one in the head.

"You come too." Lauren calls out, making a move to get to Camila.

Daryl grabbed her arm before she could get to Camila.

Killing another walker, Camila glances toward Daryl and nods.

Understanding what she means, Daryl pulls Lauren out of the hallway, shutting and locking the door.

"What the hell?" Lauren looked up at him. "She could die."

"She can handle herself, she's a big girl." He responds, glancing toward Clarke. "Get her outta here."

Clarke walked up beside Lauren. "Let's get you something to eat."

"What about Camila." The green eyed girl says, sending a worried look toward the door.

"She'll be okay." Clarke said softly. "She's gotten out of worse than this."

Taking a deep breath, Lauren follows Clarke to get something to eat.


Two hours later.

"She should be back by now." Rick says, glancing at Daryl, concern in his eyes.

"You shouldn't have let her stay out there alone." Abby shook her head. "She could be dead, or worse."

Daryl shakes his head. "She's fine, she's a tough girl."

"Doesn't mean they can't kill her." Abby snapped.

Lauren was watching them anxiously, her hand clutched in Ally's. "I hope she's okay, there were so many of them."

"She'll be okay." Ally said softly. She rested her head against Lauren's. "Don't worry. She'll come back to us - back to you."

Leaning into Ally, Lauren held Dinah's hand, turning her attention back to Rick, Daryl, and Abby who were now arguing.

"There is no cure for this shit!" Abby snapped. "If she's turned, it's on you!" She pointed at Daryl.

"Who died?" A familiar voice breathes out, before Camila appears covered in blood.

Lauren jumped up and ran over to Camila, throwing herself around the brown-eyed girl. "Don't ever leave me like that again."

Dropping her sword, Camila wraps her arms around Lauren and takes a deep breath. "I'm fine." She says softly.

"You could have died." Lauren sobbed out.

Tightening her hold on Lauren, the younger girl sighs. "Then I would've come back as Camila the friendly zombie."

Lauren let out a laugh, she shook her head. "You would have been evil."

Pulling back, Camila smiles softly. "I would never be evil to you." She responds with a soft smile.

Lauren wiped her eyes before slapping Camila's shoulder. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Okay, ow..." The younger girl mumbles, rubbing her shoulder. "No need to be violent."

Lauren shook her head. "Don't disappear again."

"No promises." Camila responds before walking toward Rick. "Cleared another cell block for you."

Rick nodded. "That was dangerous. You're grounded for a month."

Laughing, Camila nudges his side. "Okay dad." She jokes.

Rick narrowed his eyes and her and frowned. "Room, now."

"You do realize, you can't ground me or treat me like a child considering I've saved your ass numerous times." The twenty year old responds, narrowing her eyes at him.

"I'll ground you if I want to ground you." Rick stated. "Now, report to medical to get checked out."

Rolling her eyes, Camila turns to look at Abby. "I'm fine, the blood isn't mine."

"You still need a check up." Abby said softly. "And so do the new girls."

Groaning, Camila heads toward the infirmary after picking up her sword.

Lauren, Ally, Normani, and Dinah followed behind Camila. Abby followed them.

"This is pointless." Camila mumbles, stripping her bloodied clothes, she didn't care that the other girls were seeing her practically naked since she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Into the washer." Abby instructed.

Rolling her eyes, Camila walks into the shower area. "You girls should strip and get in here."

Ally quirked her brow questioningly. "Why?"

"Because we have to clean off and get checked." The Cuban responds, rolling her eyes once more.

"Oh." Ally said uneasily. She reluctantly stripped her clothes and followed Camila into the washer.

The other girls follow right behind, washing their bodies under the falling water.

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