Chapter 1- Toxicity

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"Alright guys, I need to run to the ladies' room. I'll be right back!" Ms.Ral declared, footsteps echoing down the hall.

Eren's luck couldn't get any worse. His case of bipolar disorder wasn't in the slightest way complicated. Yeah, experiencing mixed bouts of hypomania was no big deal. To him in the very least. It wouldn't be long until they went to work. Give it a little while longer, and the stokers would exert everything they had. Furiously shoveling the coal of Eren's negative emotions adding fuel to the flames of his rage. Until, they were spent- forced to return back into their fleshy dwelling till they're ready to play. 

Ms. Ral knew that. She was aware of his special problem and the accommodations he received. Despite that, she allowed herself to abandon him- In a classroom packed tightly to the brim with his peers. The only downside? He was entirely alone. Eren ever so rarely interacted with his classmates, in fear of getting angry and losing control. Plus, no one understood him- they would judge him. He only managed to get through school up until this point because he  found a safe haven amongst his childhood friends, Armin Arlert and Mikasa Ackerman. But, they've even abandoned him too. Both mates had their own goals and ideas. Eren didn't want to get in the way of that. 

'I'm alone. In this large classroom. They all want to hurt me! I know it!' The thought alone made him seethe. 

Desperate, Eren started fumbling through his desk in search of something to distract himself. Pencils, pens, and paper all the like played their own verse of musical notes. Eventually, he found his favorite pen. Why was it his favorite? Dr. Carla Jaeger, behavioral psychologist, took up writing as a hobby. Eren's mother gave him the writing instrument in hopes that he too found sanity in the same way. Sadly, she never lived to see even a drawing he'd constructed. On March 30th, Carla was found in a car wreck. Her body mangled over the hood of the car. Detectives spent years trying to figure out if her death was a homicide or suicide; only to drop the case altogether as there were no leads.

Touching the pen made Eren remember his mother. His nerves were unable to settle at the memory of her battered corpse. Jittery and bitter, he savored in the sweet sound of his makeshift metronome.

'Not long now...' Eren mused. His black converse sneakers unknowingly following the rhythm.

Mikasa's older brother, Levi, sat behind the autistic brat. Or so he presumed he was. The boy made it impossible for him to proofread the essay his generous English teacher assigned to that class. Note, he wasn't one to deviate from his classwork- in hopes of earning his way to a suitable lifestyle. All Levi ever wished for was a clean place to live. Size didn't matter. As long as it was clean and safe. Eren was getting in the way.

Levi was set on his way to confront the lad, only to pause when he realized that the brunet was convulsing. His jittery movements, the swaying; he'd read about something like that somewhere. Nonetheless, he needed to return to work. The clicking ceased, only to resume when Levi sat down. There was only so much a short man could take-

"Jaeger, Goddamnit. Would you get your fucking shit together?!"

"Fuck you! You aren't worth a shit. Short ass bitch!" The brat hollered. Eren pushed his chair back-


"Eren the-mistake-fucking Jeager! You got suspended for getting your ass kicked?! And by some bum from west bumblefuck?" Grisha glared through the rearview mirror.

Eren hadn't spoken throughout the duration of the car ride home. Of course, his father played warden and sentenced him to five days of solitary confinement. Only to receive ketchup and mustard packets to supplement for his food. It was better than getting beaten at the very least.

*Meanwhile at Levi's Single Bedroom Apartment*

Levi's home was dark and ominous, as it had always been. He'd had lived with Mikasa- who recently moved in her boyfriend's house. Therefore, he had the entire bed to himself- for once. Upon entering, he greeted his mother, Kuchel- who resided on his nightstand.

"Hey, Mom. I bet you want to knock my teeth out for getting into a fight with that loser, Eren. I-" he choked. 

"Don't w-worry, I'll go to my room." He sobbed. 

Days would pass, and Levi would never sleep without a good cry. The kid was forced to deal with such desperation. When Mikasa called the next day, he threw his phone in a lake.

—————————————————————yet another timeskip———————————————

It's been three days since Eren had eaten any real food. He's been trapped inside of his room while his father was away on business. To pass the time, the lad figured he'd sit at his desk and draw. Drawing made it easier to bury the regret he held since the physical altercation he'd involved himself with.

"I was so angry. I wasn't myself. I'm so sorry, Levi." Eren was drowning in his despair.

All morning, there had been a breeze sifting in through his window. The brunet found joy in focusing on the small things. In fact, he enjoyed it so much that he detected something odd. Trees could be heard rustling outside as he drew his lines, but he felt no wind hitting his back.

'The window probably slipped shut, Eren. No biggie.' He reassured.

Reassurance was nothing compared to surprise when he turned and bumped heads with Mikasa's brother. Eren let out a shrill cry.

"OhmygodLevi!? Im so so sorry! Please don't kill me!!!" he cowered.

"Relax brat, I'm not here to hurt you. I-"

"Are you going to tell my dad that I stole extra mustard packets? Please don't I'll die if ya' do!" 

Was this loser serious?

'What is this jack-shit rambling on about?'

"Tch. Listen, Eren, I came to a-"

"Assault me! That's what you came to do! You're mad that I called you short, huh?" Eren interjected.

"O' fuck me," Levi groaned.

The brat was pacing back in forth in his room, only to stop when he noticed Levi's small frame on his bed. He looked tired and defeated. Eren, being the curious cat he is, poked him in the abdomen to get his attention.

'Woah...' Eren gulped.

"Can I finish now?" he sat up. Advancing once he granted approval.

"Eren, I came to apologize. That day, I didn't consider you or your- uh disorders. My selfishness put you- er, us in this current situation. You may or may not forgive me, but I really wanted you to know that. I did some research at the library and found some things. Bipolar disorder was the last thing I expected of you. Your face- I hurt you and I don't think I could ever forgive myself for that." Levi looked up at Eren- who was currently seated next to him.

The raven made his move to leave, only to fall back on the bed when he was tugged from behind. He made his move- the taller male interlocking their lips as a seal of approval. Tongues danced. Lovingly, both boys held each other. Completely transfixed on their newfound love for the other. Groans resounded throughout the house-

And All Was Well.


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