A day of the life as a hero

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"You fool! What do you think that you're doing!?" Tawashi screamed. You frowned and rubbed the back of your head.

"Catching criminals, you ungrateful human! Is this any way you thank someone!?" You questioned. A tick mark appeared on Tawashi's head and he started to shake in rage.

"Y/N!" Tawashi screamed.


You sighed as Tawashi complained to Dr Elephan about you. Dr Elephan apologised and sighed when the angry detective finally left. He then turned towards you and frowned.

"Y/N..." You rolled your eyes.

"What? I DID stop those crooks, didn't I?" Dr Elephan sighed and shook his head.

"That's not the point. You could have possibly killed them. Skunk now has a concussion!" You snickered.

"Hey, at least now we won't be having any more crime sprees, eh?" Dr Elephan gave you an unamused look. You sighed and turned away from him. "It's not my fault that humans are so weak." Dr Elephan frowned. You and Dr Elephan then heard another alert and turned towards the screen. The news showed of a flood in a nearby town that was close to the ocean. You grinned and ran outside. "I'm gonna go and help!" You exclaimed as you flew out the window. Dr Elephan gasped.

"But Y/N! You can't handle this job!" Dr Elephan tried to warn, but it was too late. You were already out the window. Dr Elephan sighed while shaking his head. "I swear..." He muttered.


You looked around and saw the town that had water rushing through the streets. You saw that a few humans were stranded and flew over to them. You then picked up the platform that they were on and placed it on top of a large building. You then heard someone scream.

"MY BABY! SOMEONE, PLEASE SAVE MY SON! HE CAN'T SWIM YET!" A woman cried out. You gasped and turned to see that a child had fallen into the water. You then dived into the water after the child had gone under. You winced in pain as your body was engulfed by the water. You then swam towards the boy and wrapped your arms around him and flew out of the water. Everyone cheered as smoke arose from your body as you put the child down on his feet. The woman rushed over to her child and hugged him. "Oh, thank you, thank you! You saved him!" The woman thanked. You smiled. Your body was then engulfed in flames, getting rid of the water on your body. You then turned towards the rushing water. You had to stop that flood somehow before any more damage was done to the city. You looked around and saw a building that had fallen over. You grinned; that would work! You flew over towards the building and dove into the water once again. Your eyes widened as the pain intensified. You tsked as you winced in pain. You had to hurry and plug up that flood! You picked up the building and lit your body on fire. Everyone watched with wide eyes as the water around you started to evaporate and watched as you picked up the building and carried it over to the river. You then threw it down at the source and watched as it blocked the entry way for the water. You then dived back into the water and released pillars of flames from your hands. The water level started to go down as steam arose from all the water. Everyone started to sweat as the heat intensified. After six more shots of your beams, almost all of the water was gone. You shook the water off you and used more flames to dry yourself. You then saw that it had stopped raining and sighed in relief. Everyone cheered. Your eyes widened and you turned towards them. Were they...cheering for you? You smiled. So, this is what it felt like to be a hero. You couldn't believe that Astro did this everyday! You waved back at them. You then took a step forwards with confidence. And fell. Crap, you had used up all of your energy. You closed your eyes as the rest of your energy ran out.


Your eyes fluttered open and you saw that you were back in your room. You then looked to the side and saw Astro smiling at you. Your eyes widened and you sat up.

"Was that all a dream?" You questioned. Astro chuckled and shook his head.

"No Y/N, it wasn't. When I got back I heard that you had managed to give Skunk a concussion and that you had saved an entire city from a flood! That was pretty heroic of you, not the skunk part mind you." Astro told. He then rubbed your head. "You did well! I'm proud of you." You blushed and swatted his hand away.

"I-I only did it because I was bored! And I happened to be in the neighbourhood." You muttered. Astro raised his eyebrow at you as he smiled.

"So, you don't reckon that you'll do this again?" Astro questioned. You huffed.

"Of course not! That's your job!" You told. Astro smiled.

"Then that means that you won't be able to receive your award. Guess I'll have to give it to you in their place." You gave Astro a questioning look as he leaned towards you. He then kissed you on the cheek and leaned back. Your eyes widened as your cheeks reddened. You then held your cheek in confusion.

"W-what was that? How was that a reward?" You questioned. Astro grinned at you and stood up.

"I'll let you get some rest. You still haven't fully recharged yet. Good night." You frowned as Astro walked towards the door and left the room. You then felt your cheek and smiled slightly. Maybe you should do this more often.

The Robotic Heart (Astro boy x robot reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt