Reyes sighed and started the engine back up. He knew he wouldn't get through to Brandon, and some lessons had to be learned.  

Brandon didn't care what anyone thought. He adored those two women and no one could say how he really felt but him. What he had was truly something special. It was hard for any two people, so three was a lot more work; but it was also a lot more intense and filled with love than any relationship he'd ever been in. He had twice the good stuff.

He was aware that right now, he was still in what would be considered the honeymoon stage and still fairly infatuated; but no one could show him two women in love like they were after ten years and say they didn't have anything left for him. Love that strong never needed to be divided because it accepted growth and spread out to envelop all involved.

A car passed the duo going five miles over the speed limit and they didn't bother with the driver, although they should have pulled them over and ticketed them. They didn't really ever pull anyone over unless they were ten or more above the speed limit.

The duo did their rounds and Amber called Brandon. "Hello?"

"If you want, I can bring you some dinner to have on your break," she offered.

"Don't go out your way, baby. I can come and get it."

"I love it when you talk dirty to me."

Brandon chuckled, practically seeing her grin on the other side of the phone. That was one of the things he loved most about her, that she was so laid back and could find any little thing and turn it into something to make either of her lovers smile. She was adorable.

"Is it cool if Reyes comes with me?" he checked.

"That's fine, amorcito," she assured him.

Reyes glanced over at his partner and shook his head but he said nothing. He wasn't going to reject a free meal.

"Alright. I'll see you in a few. Hey, dress like I'm bringing someone with me."

"Chulo, are you aware of my occupation?"

"Are you aware of what I said?"

"I will wear more clothing. I'll see you when you get here. I love you."

"I love you too."

The two hung up and Reyes looked over at his young partner. "When do you want to go on break?" he asked.

"Now is fine." Brandon shrugged.

Brandon gave the directions to the women's place. When they arrived, Reyes looked around the upscale neighborhood before following his partner onto the elevator.

Inside, Reyes looked around the penthouse, taking note of the feminine feel of it.

Amber came and greeted Brandon with a kiss, nodding a greeting to Reyes as Samiya came over and hugged Brandon, laying her head on her chest. "You're going to come back when you get off work?" she asked.

"What did I tell you when I left earlier today, Samiya?" he asked, stroking her hair.

"She does it to me too," Amber informed him. "She can't help herself. Just tell her yes and move on. — Is soncocho okay, Reyes?"

"Soncocho is a favorite of mine. My wife makes the best."

"Well," Amber smirked, "Don't let her know after you've had mine."

Brandon watched Amber saunter into the kitchen with his arm still securely around Samiya. Reyes stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

When Samiya realized this, she removed herself from Brandon. "Sorry, we're being so rude. It's been awhile since we've had a guest," she explained. "Let me lead you to wash your hands."

"Actually, I'll do that," Brandon said, grabbing her wrist to keep her from going towards the bathroom.

"Oh, okay."

Samiya let Brandon lead Reyes towards the small hallways as she went to help her wife in the kitchen.

Brandon knew that neither Samiya nor Reyes would have thought anything of it, but he couldn't in good conscious allow either of his ladies to be alone in a closed space like that with a man who was not him. It was the very reason he'd had Amber put on clothes. He understood her line of work and that was fine. When she was modeling, not when she was home. Reyes would've had his eyes on Amber whether he wanted to or not. He was not playing games. These were his ladies and he took that seriously. Just as they did. Each respected what he said seriously enough to abide by it.

Brandon allowed Reyes to wash his hands first and then led him back to the dining room where Amber asked the two to sit. Grace was said, and everyone started their meal.

"How lucky are you to get to look at Brandon all day," Amber said dreamily, smiling at her boyfriend who chuckled.

"I'm not very interested in looking at Brandon all day. I married quite the beauty," Reyes informed her.

"Oh, me too," Samiya told him, rubbing Amber's and then taking Brandon's, "But he is quite easy on the eyes."

"Ladies, I just want you each to know that because of you, Alves has a big head."

"His mama did that," Amber joked, having a spoonful. "You keep him safe, Reyes."

"Well, that would be the plan. I have his back and he has mine. That's what partners do."

"Don't patronize me," she told him with a wry smile. "I date a twenty-something, but I'm not a twenty-something and your sarcasm is subtle, but not lost."

"You're definitely a fiery one."

"Don't let anyone tell you anything otherwise."

"The soncocho is good."

"I know. A recipe from mi bisabuela."

"Oh, you got to meet your great grandmother?" Reyes wondered.

"Oh yes." Amber nodded with a smile. "She was great. The funniest woman I have known to date. Mi abuela says I'm just like her."

"You mean at some point in time, the world handled two of you?" Brandon wondered with a smirk.

"Oh, lindo, the world handled three of me. I have an aunt and she is the best thing since her mother. There is no woman quite like a Santos woman."

Reyes could definitely see what Brandon liked about Amber. Sammi, though, was very quiet, so what Brandon liked about her was yet to be determined.

The duo had to get back to work, and the women walked them to the door. "Thank you ladies," Reyes said, receiving smiles back.

"You're welcome," they told him together, both hugging Brandon and kissing him goodbye.

"Make sure you come back," Samiya told him.

"I'm not going to come back."

Brandon dodged Samiya's swat and tossed her a smile, holding her hands by her waist and kissing her again. "Keep your wife out of trouble." He moved to kiss Amber again and joined his partner in the hall.

"They are beautiful girls, Brandon."

"I know they are."

"Maybe things are as you say they are. They seem to hold a genuine affection for you."

"Things are as I say they are. Even if they weren't, my relationship, like yours, is not up for discussion, Reyes. We've done all the talking about that we are going to do."

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