"Like, they won't be living in the same house with each other anymore." , Patricia explained.

"But, why?" , she asked. "And who will we live with?"

"We're splitting because we aren't...aren't happy together anymore." , I explained

"Is it because of us?" , Jack asked, scared. "Did we do something wrong?

Taylor opened her arms and he jumped off the couch as she picked him up and put him on her lap. "No, Jack. None of you did anything wrong. And, you all will be living with me and...", she looked over at me and I blushed looking at the ground. "And Adam. We're going to be living in Scotland."

Patricia POV:

I was not one bit happy that mom and dad were going to get a divorce, but on the other hand it would mean I wouldn't have to deal with the mean girls at my school, even if it meant leaving Alex. So I was thrilled when my mom said I could invite my friends (Alex), over to say goodbye.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it to Alex. "Hey." , I said sadly. "You can come in." , I moved out of the way for him to come in.

"Thanks. Hi." , he replied, taking one look at me he realized something was off. "Is everything okay? Did my sister do something else to you?"

"No.", I said quickly. "Your sister didn't do anything. Its just...my parents are getting a divorce and I'm leaving to go to Scotland."

"What?" , he said shocked wrapping his arms around me, doing this, I felt like I was going to cry again. "Oh, Patricia. I'm so sorry."

"Me too." , I mumbled as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. "It's just so unfair."

"But...can we still stay in touch?" , he asked hopefully. "Maybe someday I can fly to Scotland to go visit you or convince my parents to move!"

I looked at him, upset. "Maybe. But don't wait for me."

He looked shocked. "Why don't you want me to wait for you? I love you!"

"Stop!" , I cried. "You're making this harder for me then it already is. Don't wait, end of discussion. There are other girls that aren't me. That are better than me. We aren't even dating!"

"But you like me." , he smiled. "And I love you. C'mon. Don't act that way."

"I have to. Things are going to chance. I've accepted that. You should too."

"But I want to wait-"

"You should go." , I said under my breath. 



His bright green eyes stared back at me and he nodded slowly. "Before...before I go could I at least kiss you first?" , he begged.

I knew I couldn't say no, he knew too and I nodded, watching him lean in and touch his soft lips to mine, they smelled like strawberries, something I would remember forever. But just as the kiss had started, it ended and I watched him stand up, say goodbye one last time, the walk away. That was the last time I ever saw him, then I noticed my mom standing on the steps, watching. I knew what she was going to say.

Taylor POV:

I couldn't explain in words how bad I felt for what was going on as Patricia glared at me.

"Save grounding me for when we get to Scotland." , she mumbled crossing her arms. "I don't want to hear it now."

I walked over to her and stretched my arms out to her and I held her as she began crying, really hard, into my shoulder. My shirt was getting soaked but I couldn't have cared less. My daughter was hurting, it was all my fault, and I wanted to comfort her.

"Shh...", I said softly as hiccups were incorporated into her cries. "I know." , I said quietly into her blonde hair. "I know."

"I hate everything."

I laughed, knowing the feeling. "But you'll be alright." , I pulled back a little, looking at her for a moment. "We're going to get through this, together."

She nodded and I gave her a kiss on the forehead as I pulled her towards me again. We would be alright. I knew it.

After an hour or so I decided to go back to packing, our flight would be leaving in just a few hours since there wasn't much to pack after the house burnt down but I wanted to get to the airport as soon as possible. Karlie had a technique of getting the kids to pack quickly but when I asked her to tell me, she said it was a secret. Either way, I was too upset to keep bugging Karlie about telling Joe how she felt, now it was up to her to do the rest. I threw another unfolded shirt into my bag as Joe walked into the room. Perfect.

"Hey." , he said. "I just wanted to ask if you need any help packing?"

"No. I'm good." , I mumbled.

"Leaving soon?" , he asked sitting on the corner of the bed.

I nodded.

"I'm going to get those divorce papers tomorrow. I'll mail them to you."

My breath hitched in my throat and my heart skipped a beat. "Okay." , I squeaked.

"The sooner the better."

I nodded again. "I know." , I whispered trying hard not to cry.

"Hey." , Joe said. "Just don't go writing any songs on this when you get to Scotland."

I laughed softly. "No promises. It was my job for ten years!"

Joe laughed too, and looking closer I saw tears running down his face but he wiped them away.

"I really am sorry. I'm sorry about everything." , I added.

Joe shook his head. "You get an opinion. It's your life. Come here."

So, for the final time as a married couple, we hugged and tears began pouring down my cheeks. He held me tight, but he could no longer hold me forever. That time was over, and I hated it. I wanted to hold on forever, but I knew that wasn't an option anymore, I knew I wanted something else more, and knew this had to be it.

When we pulled back from each other, I didn't see the same face I had seen for thirteen years, I saw someone new, someone, I couldn't understand. I had known Joe, loved him, shared a life with him, but now I knew it was never meant to last forever, it was time. Throughout our years of loving and hating, and sharing countless extraordinary things with him...he wasn't the one. Adam was.

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