"I'll go and look where he is. The boy is new, doesn't know how to execute commands yet." Taehyung gritts his teeth.

Jeongguk sees him climbing up the stairs, takes a step back to not getting hit by the door.

The older seems to be angry. "Why didn't you come out? You're embarrassing me." It's only a whisper but Jeongguk knows that he's definitely annoyed.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, Minah there is my friend and I haven't told her yet that I work for you. It's embarrassing for me and you'll understand soon why." Jeongguk looks down to the ground, hates that he's like that right now, feels small and stupid.

"Oh, I see, my fia- this girl is your friend. Fine, this time I'll let you off the hook but you should tell her that you work for me. I don't want to serve her every time she'll visit."

Jeongguk nods, of course he had heard the slip, knows that she's his soon to be wife but Taehyung doesn't know that he knows.

"She's a family friend, I think she'll come over more often now." The older adds, kind of lies but doesn't at the same time. Taehyung had never seen her before but there must be a connection between their parents.

Jeongguk's confused about why Taehyung won't tell him the truth. "Taehyung ?" Says his name softly.

"Hmm?" The other hums in return.

"I've heard what you've said earlier. She's your fiancé, am I right?"

Taehyung looks at him as if a second head is growing out of his neck. "You were eavesdropping Jimin and I?"

Is it disappointment or fear? Jeongguk can't tell. "Well, yes but I couldn't hear much, I only heard you talking about this topic." - The truth.

Taehyung's body relaxes visibly, Jeongguk wonders what else they had talked about, what he shouldn't have heard.

"Ok, I'll just say you feel sick but you have to tell her soon." Taehyung warns the younger with a raised finger, leaves after checking him out for a last time.

Jeongguk scoffs because he saw it.

Taehyung's back in the living room with a fake smile. "He suddenly felt sick, I'll bring you your water instead" and walks to the kitchen.

Jeongguk is still observing the whole situation. Minah's looking around the room, nods her head the whole time, admiring it with awe. When Taehyung comes back, cold water in his hand, he places it on the table in front of her. She takes the glass with a smile as a thank you and sips from it.

"Taehyung, you know who I am, right?" She suddenly asks out of the blue.

Taehyung's eyes meet hers. "Yes, our parents want us to get married but I don't wanna lie to you, I dislike the idea." He thinks it's only fair to be honest with her.

Jeongguk can't believe it, his friend is pretty and rich but maybe he really doesn't care about all of this. Wait, it does makes sense, he's gay and it explains it all.

"Oh, I think after you get to know me you'll change your mind." She smirks, taking another sip.

"I don't think so. First of all, I'm not interested in girls or women at all and second, I'm too young to get married. Sorry, it has nothing to do with you as a person but I just can't marry a woman." He hopes that she'll understand but he thought wrong.

Minah laughs mockingly. "As if our parents care. It's business Taehyung, we can't do anything about it and you know that. You better get used to the thought of fucking a pussy because I won't stay dry for the rest of my life!" She stands up, walking closer to him. Her fingertips are touching his chest, running down until they reach his belly. 

Taehyung stops her roughly.  "Don't fucking touch me ever again!"

Jeongguk's jaw drops, no one has ever said no to Minah. He can see the fire in her eyes, can tell that it's not over yet.

"You should get used to it because I'll touch you way more than that in the future Taehungie." His name is spoken sweetly, she's trying to sound cute.

"I'm already seeing someone, I won't cheat on him. Don't even try to seduce me because it won't work anyway you're wasting your time."

Taehyung's definitely lying about seeing someone, Jeongguk knows it but Minah is clueless.

"You should enjoy the short time the both of you have together, I won't accept a side hoe." She closes the distance between them more, Taehyung stays unimpressed.

"I don't think you can tell me what to do Miss Minah, I won't ever change my mind. I heard about you from a friend and I know that you're a literal whore." Taehyung doesn't even blink when she gasps outrageous.

That Jeongguk is shocked is a clear understatement, how the fuck can he say something like that to her and he himself can't even tell her to fuck off?

"Yah! How dare you to say that to me? Are you out of your mind? You should apologize and don't think I'll forgive you easily." Minah smirks as she says the last part.

Jeongguk knows exactly what she wants. It's like a game for her. Taehyung isn't an easy target so she wants him even more. It's what she and her friends call 'hunting a dick'. Minah is completely ignoring the fact that Taehyung is gay and it hurts Jeongguk more than he wants to admit but he feels with his boss slash friend.

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