TG 10

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"Hey Guk, where are you hiding?" Taehyung calls him by a new created nickname.

"I'm in the bathroom, give me five minutes and I'm done cleaning!" Jeongguk yells back from the first floor but who's he kidding, he's not cleaning at all. The rag he's holding is still dry while he walks around, thinking of how to tell the other that he won't move in with him.

After ten minutes there's a knock. "That's long five minutes. Come out now, we have to get your things." Taehyung's voice is loud but he seems so close. After opening the door, Jeongguk sees a shirtless Taehyung standing right in front of him. He let out a gasp, is about to close the door again but the other doesn't let it happen.

"At least wear a shirt, Pervhyung!" Jeongguk squeals like a girl when the door is pushed open completely.

"Why? You like what you see? Do you wanna touch?" It's a deep voice which sends shivers down the younger's spine.

"In your dreams!" Scoffs Jeongguk "It's not even sexy, you don't look /that/ good." Obviously a fat lie, he likes pretty boys, the soft features but he can see that Taehyung's fit, has muscles at the right places but it's not too much, just perfect - for him. Jeongguk himself likes to work out a lot, is very proud of his eightpack and manly stature.

"Yeah, of course." Taehyung's tone becomes a little bit arrogant.

"M'not lying." The younger rolls his eyes annoyed but not really.

Taehyung steps closer, while the other instinctively places his hands on the older's chest to stop him - mistake... He gulps, can feel the hard nipples below his fingers. "Shit"

"You know that you're still touching me, right? Isn't it a little bit unfair that only you can but I can't?" He licks his lips, slightly turned on by the thought of touching him too.

Jeongguk's eyes widen, pushing Taehyung out of the bathroom only to lock the door after him. "Go! I'll come down in a minute, then we can leave." He just wants him to go away, the plan about telling him that he doesn't want to move in had failed miserable.

"Ok, hurry up. I have other things to do today too." Taehyung turns around finally leaving him alone.

The younger takes a deep breath, throwing the cleaning rag - which he had picked up a few seconds ago - in a corner. "Aaaah! So annoying." Ruffles his hair, more frustrated than before.

The door bell rings but Jeongguk stays. If it would be Jimin again he can just come out but if it will be someone else he has to stay hidden.

Jeongguk opens the bathroom door to peek through the slit, sees Taehyung putting on a shirt, then opening the door. "Who are you?" His voice sounds confused and Jeongguk wants to know so badly who it is. Unfortunately the front door is in his line of sight.

"Hello Taehyung, my name is Minah. Mom gave me your address, just wanted to finally meet you." A female voice announces. Jeongguk has to hold back a shriek, it's definitely his friend, he'd recognize that voice anywhere. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Well, come in then." Taehyung let her enter by stepping aside.

"Thank you. It's really nice here." She coos, then sits down on the sofa.

"Thanks I guess, do you want something to drink?" He asks her, receiving a nod with a smile "Water would be nice."

"Guk?" He calls the other's nickname but doesn't get an answer.

"Gukie?" It's louder this time.

"Oh, I call my friend Gukie too." Minah chuckles and at times like these, Jeongguk is glad his name wasn't that rare, or so he hopes.

✔ The Butler // BTS TaeKook 18+  Where stories live. Discover now