With that, she turned on her heel and left the bathroom.

Now I don't know what to think of Noland. One of them is lying and I don't know them well enough to know which one it is.

How did I get caught up in this on my first day? Oh yeah. It's because I'm Rory Pinnock and drama just flocks to me.

I took one last look in the mirror before packing away my makeup and leaving.


I was able to get the girls numbers before school ended so now I was caught in the middle of a group message. And I was driving home. I was not going to get Cal to read them to me. There was no telling what they were saying.

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

"Could you turn that off? It's really getting annoying," Cal said with a sour look on his face.

He was currently looking out the window of my car, pouting like a toddler.

"Sure," I said warily, as I reached over and flipped the button on the side of my phone.

"What has you in such a bad mood?"

"Coach is changing starting positions again and freaking Milton is trying to take my position. He does this all the time! It's like he can't do something on his own without taking someone else property."

It took me a second to realize who he was talking about.


Oh! Noland!



I still had to deal with that issue.

"First of all, I don't think soccer positions are certain people's properties and second of all, just work harder. If your coach sees you really working to keep your spot, I'm sure he'll leave you there."

I snuck a quick glance at him to see him giving me a look that said 'no duh'.

Well, so much for my advice.


Once we finally got home from the tense car ride, I made a beeline for the kitchen since I was already starving.

I was about to grab a bowl of strawberries when I felt my phone vibrate.

Oh yeah. The group message. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had 37 unread messages.


I quickly scanned over the conversation I had missed and joined in.

Me: hey guys. i can talk now.

Lou: about time. i don't know if u saw but we want 2 have a sleepover

Me: sounds fun. when?

Jo: this sat. @ G's house. she has an awesome theater

Me: i'm free. i'll bring loads of candy ;)

Grace: i'll get home around 4 so yall can come anytime after that

Jo: I have to take a few pre-season pics of the soccer team so I'll b over @ 5

Lou: can i catch a ride from 1 of u guys? mom is taking my car for a weekend trip out-of-town

Me: i hav a car. i can drive whoever needs a ride

Jo: yeah. I need a ride 2

Lou: thnx. c yall tomorrow

Jo: c ya

I put down my phone and saw that I was still standing in front of the open refrigerator. I grabbed the strawberries and quickly closed the open door.

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