Bonus Ch 4 a day at the park

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I was then waking up making coffee then making sure it was good then went to his room and saw him sleeping and I decided to wake him up with the smell of his coffee and then he wakes up already with him a bit tried

Shad: morning bro, ready for your time at your first school field trip

Then the alarm rang and I pointed that the cloak was 12:10 and he notice

Shad:fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!! We're 4 hours late for this god damn bullshit!!!!

He then was already dressed up and grabbed Fenix and then banged on Nina's door

Shad: Nina wake up!! We're leaving in negative 6 minutes!

He then runs to the kitchen and grabs a knife

Shad: wake up our fucking friend!

He then stabs the box of cereal and pours it all over and screams then teleports to the bathroom

Shad: hurry up we're losing time!!

Then runs to a cupboard

Shad: where the hell is my meme ointment?!?

He then runs and says fuck this boy going high and runs back to the kitchen

Shad: I'm gonna need a priest!

He then drops Fenix and he hits the dishwasher and groans in pain and he screams mad then runs around and shouts to Nina then says we're leaving in 3 seconds and runs to the shower

Shad: the showed gonna have to be pha! Pits,head,ass!

Then runs back and makes more of a mess then runs and says he need memes and then runs to the door and I see a cartoon

Shad: no time for rwby!

We then get in the car and he starts to drive

Shad: no time for seat belts, your boys gonna gas this shit get ready to go through time! Ahhhhhhhh

Luna: can I get a ice cream when we get there?

Shad: Luna what the fuck are you doing here?!

Luna: I've been locked in here since last Monday

Shad: yea, yea that's great look there's that hippy fuck I was telling you about

I then look to see bain waving and saying thanks for bringing more people and then the car stops and Fenix falls off and then we rush outside and then I later go see out neighbors hell and derpy here

Hell: well hi shad look at you out of the house by noon!

Derpy: well then I'm having a picnic with my bro right now

Hell: we need more trees!

Derpy: we packed sprite, but we're actually out here to celebrate for him being the well known killer


Bain: This is a meme flower they are very nutritious

He eats it and then throws up

Bain: I was wrong, my name is bain I've been park ranger for 2 years, excuse me sir plz do that in the bathroom, but I'm not working here not because I'm retarded but because I'm special but aren't these trees beautiful they are the oldest living things ever

He then bumps into Luna

Bain: I was wrong

Luna: please I need you to help me find my friends or I might never make it back to civilization

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