Ch 5 the little friends

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Authors note
A/n: alright guys so I read your comments and this is gonna be your pets with in the chapter and enjoy the story and his name will be Joe and the other will be named tony

Authors note A/n: alright guys so I read your comments and this is gonna be your pets with in the chapter and enjoy the story and his name will be Joe and the other will be named tony

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After coming back from the red forest and forgiving my sisters now i was walking with ruby and I'm kinda thinking about my family they do many worse things to abuse me for how the pain has cause of me and it made me snap one of my fingers of anger and ruby notice

Ruby: um big brother your finger?

Y/n: oh relax ruby this is nothing like remember I took that mace to the head and my head came off

Ruby: please don't remind me about that it was uncomfortable to watch

Y/n: well wanna go to the festival with Weiss and your team?

Ruby the just got on my back and tap on my safe head to I guess a yes

Ruby: sorry I just want to ride you and see how fast you run

Y/n: faster then you basically, I can leave a trail of blood roses with actual blood

Ruby just started to shake in fear and I just went to go find ruby team

Jon pov

I was just watching tv and then felt a presence near me so I grab my axe and went to the closet to reveal yang hiding

Jon: brat what you want?

Yang: umm nothing

Yang mind: but maybe y/n

Jon: yang I can read your mind you know that?

Yang just blush and ran out and I knew that she and ruby like him so I just went back to watching tv

Timeskip with Jesse pov brought to you by chibi y/n and chibi ruby and yang hugging

I was later hanging out with Blake in my anima form to do some art with her to say she want to express her feelings and emotions and I wanted to do it with her and maybe do so as well and after drawing we were finally done and so we both show our painting

Rwby got a keeper|abused and neglected male the keeper reader x rwby (completed)Where stories live. Discover now