08 | Devilishly Good Ideas

Start from the beginning

  Promise to remember me, okay?

Your Pumpkin 🎃


     A tear stained the parchment, breaking me from my read. I wiped it away with a watery smile, admiring the little doodle of a pumpkin left after the signature. The note was as devastating as it was heartwarming. Now, the distance between us made the pain in my chest even greater, but I would look forward to next year as well even though it might hurt for a while.

     "I'll see you then, Jack. I'll miss you too," I mutter, reading the message over and over again as though it would bring him back to me, but alas, I was alone yet again. I suppose I found some comfort in the note. It was a piece of him, much like the crown on my nightstand, and I like how he remembered that silly nickname I gave him last time. I found it cute. Without sensing it, I let out a quiet sob. Why does it hurt so much when we've only known each other for practically two days? Is it because of how he stuck in my mind all year? Is that why it feels like I've known him much longer, or is it how we were able to pick up again so quickly after meeting each other again, as though we were lifelong friends? I do feel a sense of nostalgia with him. Could that be it?

I have to be alone again,

Without him,

Without his jokes,

Without his cute, but perverted actions.

  "Man I've really lost it, huh?" I bring a hand to my head, unknowingly wearing a smile. I wish he could've stayed. What I would give to have woken up to that bright smile of his. Life would be so much more fun. Too bad it's impossible. If only I had the ability to talk to him from the other realm, like by phone or something, but I don't think a Halloween spirit would have a phone. Would it even work if he had one? I really regret falling asleep so early now. I wish he would've woken me up so that I could say goodbye... Maybe even hug him.

     Realizing my thoughts, I threw my face into the pillows to knock some sense into myself only to end up crying a little bit as I squeezed it. Stupid feelings. It only intensified when I thought of the highlights of last night: that magnificent feast, how he scared those bullies off and pranked those people with the ouija board...

     "Wait, that's it!" I exclaimed, raising my face from the pillow and startling Whiskers. All traces of sadness disappeared as I pulled myself out of bed. Maybe it isn't so impossible after all, at least I hope so. I find something quick to change into that will suit the chilly autumn air before sprinting into the bathroom to make myself presentable. I was in a hurry though, so nothing but a few minutes of fixing my hair how I like and brushing my teeth.

     "Oh, hey, my makeup," I realized, touching my face which warmed when I figured out that Jack must've cleaned it off for me. How thoughtful. Feeling even more determined, I look for my wallet to make a very important purchase. If Jack can control a ouija board, I'm sure he can do it again. Sadly, I don't own one, so I'll have to buy it. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get it on sale now that Halloween is over, but if not, it won't matter. So long as I get to talk to Jack again, it'll be worth it. Finally, I snatch up Whiskers to lay him across my shoulders. By now, I'm sure the neighborhood is used to seeing me walk around like a crazy cat lady.

      Regardless of whether or not I want to take Whiskers with me somewhere, he always finds a way to follow me. Jack did ask him to keep an eye on me, after all. I suppose he was just fulfilling his duties. He has to protect the Queen of Halloween. I always feel embarrassed thinking of that title he gave me. Maybe it wasn't to claim us engaged or married, but it does bind us in a way. I am important to him, as he is important to me. We can hold onto that whenever we miss each other. It's kind of nice, actually.

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