"She's obviously joking!" Knott assures them and holds his girlfriend's hand in his while kissing her forehead.

Arthit watches them from across the table. It's times like this, when he witnesses a straight couple being affectionate with each other, that he wishes he weren't so shy to do the same in public with his boyfriend. Then again, it's not just about being shy, in their case it's more than that. Suddenly, the beer tastes too bitter to drink anymore.

"Arthit, I've been meaning to show you something." Bright says, sitting next to his friend on the couch, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"The new guy ... well not so new anymore cause he's been working here for over half a year now ... but anyway ... So, he's friends with this chick, they used to go to the same university and he showed me this post of hers from Instagram."

Arthit isn't particularly in the mood to see random photos of some girl Bright's interested in - there's nothing new or exciting about it, the guy's always chasing skirts. But he does lean in to look at the phone and freezes.

In the short clip, the girl is smiling and waving at the camera. Next to her is none other than Kongpob who does a quick peace sign when she asks him to pose. By the looks of it, they are out and about in Tokyo.

"I just saw she tagged Kongpob in her post and I figured you might want to see. And here I thought your dear 0062 would be miserable without you, all alone in Japan, for a whole month." Bright mocks.

"Do you know her name?" Arthit asks, since her Instagram account ID gives no hint of it.

"I forgot ... Hey, what's your friend's name?" he screams at the young bartender, so he could be heard over the loud chatter of the customers.

"It's Achara. Why?"

"Nothing. Thanks."

Arthit smiles and returns the phone to his friend. What a small world.

"If her name is Achara, then she must be the intern at Kongpob's father's company, who went with him to Japan for the training program." he explains.

"Oh, you mean he's spending a whole month with her?!" Prem butts in.

"Yes. Your point is ...?"

"I mean ... a whole month is a long time and you gotta admit she's really pretty."

"You guys, stop it! N'Kongpob loves Arthit too much to cheat on him." Toota reasons and Knott seconds his opinion.

"And true to her name (*), she doesn't strike me as a person who would try to get her hands on someone who's already taken." Arthit's friend adds.

"I'll order another round of drinks. This one is on the house." Bright suggests, feeling a bit guilty now for having brought the girl into discussion and ruining Arthit's mood.

(*) Achara's name means a beautiful angel


Arthit sprawls on the bed, brings to his chest the first thing he gets his hands on, which happens to be Kongpob's pillow and closes his eyes, thinking he will fall asleep soon, only to open them again, as the mattress suddenly moves.

"Kong ... you're back?"

"P'Arthit, I missed you so much."

The younger male hovers over him until Arthit pulls him into a hug. The familiar warmth, scent and sense of security that come with hugging Kongpob soothe Arthit and he sighs a happy sigh.

"P'Arthit ..." the other whispers into his ear before he kisses his forehead, his eyelids, the tip of his nose, his lips, his chin, his neck, going lower and lower, all the while slowly removing items of clothing that stand in the way.

Arthit forgets all about being embarrassed, he is too distracted by how Kongpob skillfully teases all the sensitive areas of his body, causing him to shiver.

"Kong ..." Arthit pleads, grabbing a fistful of his boyfriend's shirt, clawing at his arms.

Kongpob playfully nips and licks his way from Arthit's knee cap, down to his smooth inner thigh and the older male's body starts to burn with anticipation. The junior is so close to where Arthit needs him the most right now.

"Please, stop teasing me already!" Arthit whines, pushing the other's head lower on himself.

When Kongpob finally goes down on him, Arthit holds back moans by biting at the hem of his T shirt (that his junior didn't waste time on completely removing, instead only pulled all the way up to his neck to get access to his skin).

Kongpob always taunts him with sexual innuendos but he is not just smooth talk. The boy is in fact becoming better and better at pleasing him. Arthit will never admit it, but he is starting to enjoy these "activities" of theirs.

"Don't hold back." Kong demands, raising his head from in between Arthit's legs to look at him.

"I'm n-not ... just ... don't stop ..."

It doesn't take Arthit too long to cum, but he couldn't care less, he is glad he gets to release all that pent up frustration from the past two weeks.

When he opens his eyes, he is alone in the dark bedroom and it takes a few moments for him to realize it was all just a dream. He is still holding on tightly to Kongpob's pillow and his underwear is sticky and gross. He feels disgusted with himself for acting like some horny teenager and weak for missing his boyfriend's touch so much.

"F**k!" he swears under his breath.

Later on, returning from a much needed shower, he notices there are a few missed calls from his junior but he doesn't feel like talking to him tonight. If he heard Kongpob's voice, he is afraid he might burst into tears.


"Good morning, P'Earth, Tod. Is ... something wrong?"

"Arthit, it's been almost a week and we still haven't received the order of Fresnel lenses. You said they would be delivered in a couple of days." Earth says.

"I'll call Khun Chaiprasit right away and ask him. There must be an explanation for the delay." Arthit replies.

He calls but it's weird how the number he is dialing doesn't seem to be in use.

"Let me check their website. Maybe I jotted down the wrong number."

It's even weirder that he can't access the website, either. No matter how many times he tries, all that shows up on his computer screen is the "Page not found" message on a white background.

"I ... can't seem to get a hold of him." Arthit finally admits, standing up from his desk.

SOTUS - The Next ChapterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora