Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It was now morning and thankfully I was off. I was still reeling from last night from Lincoln showing up to Lucas getting my dad to agree to work with him. So I was sitting in bed just thinking about what to do next. I just wanted one day of normalcy.

As I was thinking Lucas came in plopping down in front of me grabbing my hand. "I thought you would be glowing after last night. What's wrong?"

I bit my lip looking down. "I have something to tell you and I know it's going to make you mad."

"Just tell me Samaria."

"Yesterday Lincoln came into the shop." I looked up at him to see what his facial expression would be. He didn't reveal anything just looked at me.

"What did he want?"

"He said he came to check up on me but he eventually started attacking me for fixing things with you. He even started calling me out of my name. I had never seen him so cold and mean." I looked back down reliving everything. I never wanted to see Lincoln in that light.

He sighed playing with my fingers, particularly my wedding band. "I told you he still had feelings for you and I don't trust him."

"Well, I kicked him out, even had to threaten him."

"I can't say I'm sorry you finally saw his true colors, but I can tell you something to cheer you up."

I looked up at him trying to see where he was going with this. "What's that?"

"Well since the hotel deal is a go and your dad agreed to be a silent investor, I was thinking of having you hold up the financial side of things."

"Wait you want me to be a part of this? I thought you didn't want me involved."

"Well I thought about it but I realized how unfair it was to you. You were a main asset when you worked for me and I think you'd be even better as a partner."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He wanted me to be a partner. I leaped up throwing my arms around his neck. I couldn't hold in my excitement. "I'll take that as a yes."

I leaned away to face him smiling, "It's a hell yes!"

"Good. Now let's go take a shower," he said picking me up by both legs and carrying me into the bathroom.

Since I had today off and Blair was at the shop, I decided to clean up the house. I hadn't been able to lately and so now I planned on getting things back on track. Right now I was in the kitchen and I just got through cleaning the oven. I was about to start on the floors when I heard the door close.

"Lucas, you home?!" I waited for a response but nothing came. I was going to give it another minute before I ran like hell or grabbed something to fight with.

I soon heard footsteps and I held my breath. "There you are!" my mother said with her hand on her hip. I let out a breath thankful it was just her.

"You scared me."

"Serves you right."

"How did you get a key to my house?"

"I have a key to all of my children's places why should you be any different?"

I sighed leaning on the counter. "Mom what are you doing here?"

"Well you told me there's going to be a wedding and then nothing. How do you expect to have a wedding if you won't set time aside to plan it?"

"Mom I've been busy."

"Don't give me that crap Samaria."

"What do you want me to do mother?"

"Simple. Let me plan it."


"I have nothing to do all day besides watching your father, who now has his own thing with your husband. Let me do this."

I looked at her and she was looking dead at me. "You're serious."

"I've already started on the basics." I studied her face to see just how serious she was. To be honest I wanted a wedding but the planning part was not something I was looking forward to. I kind of just wanted the wedding to happen and now my mom was offering that to me.

"Fine mom you got the job, but I want to be clued in about every decision before it's done." Before I knew I was being pulled into a big hug by my mother as she yelled to the top of her lungs. She spun me around and around until I was beyond dizzy.

"Are you done now," I asked trying to see straight.

"Very. But on another note you seem happy. Happier then I have seen in a long time."

"I am. Lucas and I are finally in a happy place and the shop is doing surprisingly well."

"Well I'm happy for you sweetheart. I'm glad one of my children is having a happy ending."

"What about Jordan?"

"Jordan is recovering but he has a long road ahead of him." she paused looking down like something else was on her mind. I knew all of this must've been hard on her. So far all of her children had been through something and that couldn't have been easy on her. It seemed like nothing could go right for our family.

"What's wrong mom?"

"I still haven't heard from Brianna since the dinner. I'm worried about her Samaria."

Hearing Brianna's name sent a chill throughout my body. She wasn't even at the hospital when Jordan woke up. She just never showed up. For me she didn't exist anymore. I had tried everything I could to make that girl do right by her life but she wouldn't. She wouldn't try. She wanted everyone around her to give her everything while she just took and took. I was tired of giving to that ungrateful girl. I now had my own life to worry about. I wanted more than anything for her to be the person I knew she could be but she didn't want that for herself. Somehow she kept finding the worse people to hang around and I couldn't keep cleaning up her mess.

"Frankly mom I'm done with her. She crossed the line this time."

"I know but she is still my baby. I know she's done a lot of things but I am her mother and I love her."

"And I love her too but she just isn't the sister I grew up with anymore, something has changed her. I don't know what it is but I do know I can't be responsible for her anymore."

"And I'm not asking you to, but I am asking that you hold out hope for her. She is still that same four year old that used to run behind you trying to spend time with you. She adored you to death, hell she wanted to be you. That doesn't just go away Samaria."

"Mom I'm not saying the memories are gone but Brianna isn't a child anymore. You can't keep acting like she is still that four year old anymore. Brianna needs to be taught that her actions have consequences, not that her mother or family will keep bailing her out."

"I understand what you're saying Samaria, but it's never that easy. When you become a mother you will understand the lengths you will go to just keep your children safe. You will learn what you will do to ensure that your children will never feel hurt because when you see them hurting you hurt. And Brianna is my child just like you are my child and I will do whatever it takes to make sure neither one of you will lose your way."

"Look mom I get where you are coming from but I'm done trying to help her. Like I said I have my own life to worry about and live and I don't plan on spending it on Brianna. She has proven over and over she's just not worth it."

My mom sighed putting both hands on the counter in front her. This whole Brianna thing was really getting to her. I wanted to help ease her pain but I couldn't get caught in the Brianna trap anymore. It took me a long time to realize that she just wasn't the person I needed to be investing in. She needed to find her own way without me.

"All of that may be true but it still doesn't change the fact that I'm worried about her, it's like she vanished or something."

"I'm sure she will turn up soon mom, just give her some time." I walked over to her and hugged her tight.

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