Chapter Fourteen

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So it was officially Saturday and I was glad because that meant I didn't have to work. Not only that but soon Lucas would be leaving in two days and I dreaded him leaving me alone with his mother. His mother has been driving me insane. Every day I wake up wanting to strangle her to death. She was constantly questioning my marriage to Lucas and it was starting to piss me off. She was worst then my mother and that's saying something. I wanted a connection his mother but I wasn't about to beg this woman to like me. I had enough going on to add her to my long list of problems.

I was in the kitchen cutting up some fruit when she walked in. I ignored her but I felt her looking at me. I looked up to the ceiling then back at her, "Can I help you with something?"

"You can divorce my son." She smiled at me like she already knew my answer.

"Well if you don't need anything then I will be in my room." I got my fruit and headed out of the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood to deal with her today. I wanted nothing to do with her.

"He doesn't love you." I stopped not looking at her. "He only married you because you were pregnant." I turned around with red in my eyes. If she kept going she was not going to make it till Lucas got home.

"He asked me to marry him before he found out I was pregnant."

"It still doesn't change the fact that he doesn't love you."

"Then explain why we are married or why I'm here."

"Simple. He feels sorry for you but soon that will pass and he will leave your ass." She smirked daring me to say or do anything. I could imagine myself jumping on top of her beating the life out of her. I don't know how I was going to survive when Lucas left me alone with her. I bit my lip trying to maintain my anger because if I didn't I was going to kill this bitch.

I left out of the kitchen mumbling to myself trying to keep myself from going back into that kitchen and kicking her ass out of my house. I was so wrapped up in myself that I bumped right into Lucas. I stopped and glared at him.

"What I do?"

"You brought that woman into my house." I continued to glare at him hoping to get some of my anger out on him. It wasn't working. He took my hand leading me into his office closing the door. "Do you love me Lucas?" he stopped walking turning to me confused and a little angry.

"What the hell kind of question is that Samaria?"

"Well I'm just asking because your mom believes that you don't love me at all and you just feel sorry for me and that's why we are married to this day." I watched his face quickly turn to fury. He was not liking my questioning. Honestly I didn't doubt his love but I just wanted to play with him. I needed to get my fun somewhere.

"That's bullshit. She has no right to be questioning my love for you or marriage to you." I calmly sat down in one of his chairs crossing my legs. I loved watching him stress out about this. It also let me know he was passionate about us. He then turned around softening as he looked at me. "Samaria I love you with all my heart."

"That's good to know. How did your phone conference go?"

"I still don't know what's happening. However, he did tell me he wanted me to meet him in Virginia where his main headquarters is."


"In two days but I don't know if I'm going."

"Why wouldn't you go?"

"I don't want to leave you alone with my mother and I don't know if I want to continue to beg this man for a chance." I got up and went over to him to where he was leaning up against his desk. I stroked his cheek with my hand looking him in the eyes.

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