Chapter Thirty-Three

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This morning I woke up feeling so at peace. Everything was going good and I didn't want it to end. I loved this time Lucas and I were spending together. I laid on my back in the tent with the sun shining on my face as I smiled about last night. I had finally allowed myself to give myself to Lucas again after everything that happened. I didn't know if I was ready but now I know I was. I missed him and it felt like we were almost back to where we were when we first got married.

I looked to my right and saw Lucas calmly sleeping with his right arm thrown over his head lazily. I moved closer to him and gently begin tracing his face starting at his lips. I made my way down his left arm then bent down carefully placing a kiss on his lips. But when I was about to pull back he gripped my butt as he responded to my kiss deepening it.

He finally stopped slowly opening his eyes to look at me with his sleepy eyes. "I thought you were sleep."

"I was until my wife woke me up." He grabbed my hips pulling me on top of him so that I was straddling him,

"I never get to watch you sleep anymore, you are always at work or gone on business."

"Then the next time I have a business trip I will take you with me."

I shook my head biting my lip. "I have my own business to take care of. Speaking of which how did your business trip go with the potential investor?"

He sighed running his hands down his face. "That's a no go. The guy won't budge and honestly I'm not with this whole begging thing."

"What kind of investor are you looking for?"


"Just answer the question," I said laughing at his confused face."

"I'm looking for someone that will be a silent partner and can bring at least 50 percent to the table financial wise." I nodded thinking about what he said. He tugged on my hand, "I can see your mind wondering a mile a minute. What you got on your mind baby girl?"

"That maybe my dad would be a good partner for you." He sat up on his forearms seriously.

"I doubt your dad has 50k Samaria."

"Then maybe I can go in with him to make up the rest?" This time he bit his lip looking at me intently.

"What exactly are you saying Samaria?"

"Well, Lucas I'm saying that my dad and I could be your silent partners." He didn't say anything for a minute then came up to me planting a soft kiss on my lips. He sat back with me still on top of him as he ran his hands up and down my body. He eventually landed on my butt picking me up a little then gently sliding me down onto him making me gasp with a moan. I had forgotten we were still naked from last night.

"I think I might need some more convincing."

Today we decided to go swimming in the lake and I was looking through my bags to find something to put on. I was looking for my swimsuit that I always wear but I couldn't find it. When I did finally find one it was a two piece which was not mine. I know I never bought a two piece swim suit.

I went outside the tent to find Lucas who was making eggs over a fire like a caveman. "Um Lucas whose swimsuit is this?"

He looked up at me smirking. "Yours."

"I didn't buy this Lucas."

"I know I did. I thought my wife would look sexy in it."

"I can't wear this!"

"Why not?"

I looked down ashamed of my feelings. It may have seemed like I had gotten over my insecurities but I hadn't. Everything that I felt about myself still loomed inside my head. I wanted to be confident but that just wasn't as easy as it seemed. "Because of my body. I'm still carrying the weight from the baby and I don't look good right now." I bit my lip trying not to make eye contact with him.

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