Chapter Twelve

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Soon as I got the news about Jordan being found I rushed over to my mom's house. I couldn't believe my brother had been found. I just hoped he wasn't dead. I missed Jordan. I missed talking to him about my problems and us staying up late watching old movies, I missed my brother.

When I got there I was trembling about the news. I didn't know what to expect. The whole way here I just prayed that the news would be good. I walked into the house to find my mom and Raquel already waiting. They were quiet as they drank their tea. I could see the tear stains on Raquel's face. "What happened? Where's Jordan?"

"Sit down and calm down," my mom said patting the seat beside her.

"No, where is Jordan. Is he dead or alive?"

"They went and scanned the last known location him and his team were but they just found bodies neither of which were Jordan. So they searched the outer area and found them bunked down in a friendly town."

"So where's Jordan?"

My mom sighed. She didn't look hopeful or happy at all. Something wasn't right. "They found Jordan with some family where he had been shot two times and hit in the head which knocked him into a coma. Somehow the man of the family managed to keep him alive and they are still searching for two other men that are lost." I plopped down not believing my ears. All I could think about was that Jordan was found but he was still hurt. He had been shot twice and in a coma. My brother was hurt. Jordan was hurt. I longed to be near him. I had taken care of him since we were little and now there was nothing I could do to take care of him. He was somewhere far off out of my reach alone. I wanted my brother.

"Wow," I said not knowing what to do. "So what now? What will happen to Jordan?"

"They have to stabilize him and make sure he is okay. Once they clear him they will send him home to us."

"And when will that be?"

"Only time will tell but for now Jordan is alive and that's all that matters." I sighed knowing that I should just focus on that but I kept picturing Jordan bleeding with no one to help him. Still some of his men were missing and the others were dead. Jordan could've been in that category. I wanted to cry for him but I didn't know why I would be crying. My emotions were just all over the place right now. I needed air. I needed Jordan.

Everything was spinning by the time I left. I just sat in the car trying to process the information. I wanted to play super hero and go find Jordan wherever he was and stay by his side. I wanted for him to walk through the door as if this whole thing had been a mistake or a joke. I wanted my life to go back to what it was before things started spinning out of control.

When I got home Lucas was sitting on the couch with his head down in his lap. In that moment he looked like a little boy that lost something special. I dropped my things and sat down in front of him on the table.

"What's wrong?" he looked up and his eyes looked like he had been stressed out the whole day. I had never seen him so out of it.

He sighed deeply rubbing his hands down his face. "The guy u was trying to get to be my silent partner agreed to be my partner." Now I was confused.

"That's great. Isn't that what you wanted? I don't get why you are so down."

"The guy wants me to put up eighty percent of the capitol for him to even sign anything."

"What does that mean exactly?"

"It means I'm back to square one." He sighed again and sat back. I could tell this was not the news he wanted and I didn't want it for him. I actually thought this deal would go good but I knew Oliva probably had something to do with this. I didn't trust her. I didn't know what credentials she had but she was not on the up and up.

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