"do we have a deal?"

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Cassie, Thel, and Buck finally found the location of the hybrid. He actually didn't move that far from the location that Bria attacked him.

Cassie was breathing heavily. She didn't know what she was getting herself into. Could he be as dangerous as they say he is?

Buck kept his weapon at his side. He has seen this creature in action and he wasn't afraid to put it down if need be.

A choking sound rang in their ears. It sounded like something was choking to death. They quickly ran around the corner of a building into an alleyway.

The sight before them almost made Thel snicker. It was very, very ironic.

Kyle, the hybrid was crouched in the corner throwing up blood. Buck quickly aimed his gun at him as Kyle glanced at them with his haunting eyes. Cassie took a step back and gasped. Sure he wasn't at all bad to look at, but there's something about him that made her feel uneasy. It must've been the one they were talking about.

Kyle chuckled which sent a fearing chill up Cassie's spine. "Ah, look at how the tables have turned." Kyle said, followed by another series of vomiting.

"What's wrong with you?" Buck shouted.

"What do you think, old man?" He wiped the blood off of his lower lip. "That chick dealt a few good hits on me."

"You're dying." Thel said.

Kyle looked back at Thel.  "Maybe I am." He began to choke again.

Buck looked at Cassie. "Can it still work?" He asked.

"It should as long as he's alive. And he doesn't hack up all his blood." She replied.

Kyle chuckled again. "I sense a favor coming on."

"We need your help." Cassie said.

Kyle laughed a little louder. "What can I possibly help you with?"

"Bria, she's in a coma. She won't ever wake up if you don't help her." Thel said.

"Wait, her name is Bria?" Buck was shocked.

"The only way she can live, and be cured is with your blood." Cassie said.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Buck was still focused on her name.

"Fascinating," Kyle whispered. "Here's the other question: Why would I help you. The people who want to spill my blood?"

"I feel so betrayed right now." Buck said, still focused on her name.

"You're dying. What choice do you have?" Thel said.

"I have plenty of choices. Me and her can die in peace. That's a choice."

Cassie could tell that Thel was getting irritated with Kyle. She needed to think of something fast.

"We'll do anything!" Cassie finally shouted. They all looked at her. "If you want money, name your price. If you want a cure for you too, I will figure something out."

Thel couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was she insane? Giving this monster anything he wanted. Though he would hate to admit, Thel would do the same for Bria's sake.

"My time has come, I do not wish for a cure." Kyle said. He took a breath and looked at them. "I'll do it. If you let Bria serve me for the rest of my days."

Both Cassie and Thel felt like they got shot in the heart. They weren't expecting that.

"No-" Thel began.

"We'll do it!" Cassie cut him off.

Thel glared at her. "What are you doing? Do you know what he can do to her?! What he did to her?!"

Halo: Awake and Alive (Book 2, Arbiter x Female human series.) Where stories live. Discover now