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Bria kicked her legs back and forth as she sat on the hospital bed waiting for her report.

It reminded her of when she was little, she would always get checkups from the doctor and after everyone, he would give her and her sister a lollipop. Then Bria got older, her sister got diagnosed with cancer, and doctor's appointments seemed a little more terrifying.

Bria shivered while she was waiting. Yes, it was cold in the room, but she also faintly heard the conversation out the door. And by the sounds of the man's voice, it didn't sound too good.

The man came back into the room and sat in a chair straight across Bria.

She looked at him and rubbed her arm where he stuck the needle to draw blood.

"The test results came back..." He said.

"And?" She replied.

He took a moment to reply. He took a long sigh. "We don't know how you're still alive."

Bria felt frustrated. "I've been eating a lot as you told me to. I've been controlling my powers and exercising a lot too!"

"It's not that..." He said. "Those powers you have, it creates incredible energy." Bria took a deep breath as she listened to him. "An energy that a human body can't contain."

Bria looked at her lap. "What does this mean?" She asked.

"I'm really sorry to say this, but..." He froze. "You're dying."

That word echoed in her head.


Dying? She was dying?

Her eyes filled with tears. "Dying?" She spat out.

The man slowly nodded. "The energy in your body is slowly eating you from the inside out. You've been gone for a whole year, considering that time I would say you have a month left to live..."

She lost it. She sobbed in her hands as the man patted her on the shoulder.

Suddenly Thel Vadam came into the room as well.

"I apologize for my absence." He said. She forgot she requested for him to be with her during this test, but he was busy doing something with the Swords of Sangheilios.

He stopped when he saw her crying. She refused to look at him.

"What happened?" He asked.

The doctor looked at Bria. "Do you want to be alone?" He asked.

Bria slowly nodded her head. The doctor then got up and left.

Thel stood in front of her.

"Has he harmed you? Should I go after him?" He said.

Bria slowly shook her head.

He sighed. "I really apologize that I was late. Would've been here sooner, but some complications with the weapon shipments and-" he continued to talk but Bria didn't focus. Instead, she focused on the word that the doctor said.

You're dying.

"I'm dying!" She blurted out. Thel stopped talking and looked at her.

"What did you just say?" He asked.

She choked on her tears. "I'm dying, Thel."

He stayed quiet for a moment.

"What do you mean?" He quietly asked.

She stood up from the bed. "T-the powers. They're eating me alive..." She sobbed. "I only have a month to live."

He looked down. She couldn't tell the expression on his face. He suddenly grunted.

"There... Has to be a way to help you... Find a cure! I will find you a cure." He said.

"Thel it's no use..."

"Of course it is!" He snapped.

"If it's my time, there's no stopping it. I'll die no matter what!" She snapped back.


"No! You listen! I told you this before, if I get out of control, put me down. No questions." She said.

"I cannot!" He raised his voice again.

Bria rolled her eyes. "No, you will. If I'm going to die in a month, then who cares? You'll be putting me out of my misery!"

He growled, grabbed her by the shoulders, and slammed her on the wall. He put both of his hands on each side of her head and met her eye.

"I will find a cure! No one, not even I, will harm you! I will definitely not let you die, even if I have to sacrifice myself in the process." He said.

"Thel..." She began but he cut her off and grabbed her jaw.

"You need to stop..."

Something was wrong with him. His eyes got droopy, and he began to slump. He fell down and to where he was almost hugging her knees.

She looked down at him and realized he passed out.

What the heck just happened?!

She kneeled down to him and checked to see if he was breathing.

He was so she picked up his big Sangheili head and laid it on her lap. She leaned back and dozed off herself.

She felt Thel move so she woke up. His eyes began to blink open as he stared at her.

He groaned. "Bria?"

"I'm here, big guy." She replied.

He sighed. "I apologized for what happened." He sat up from her lap.

"It's okay." She brushed her hand on the side of his face. She felt him lean into her hand. "Is everything okay? I've never seen you like that before."

"Everything is fine." He replied.

"Liar." He looked at her. "You just don't let yourself go like that, and then pass out." She said.

He sighed again and sat by her against the wall.

"You're stressed about the Swords, aren't you?" She asked.

He slowly nodded once. "They're not the only ones I'm worried about."

She brushed her fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry you're worried. And I'm sorry I wasn't there for you to support you and the Swords. And you don't have to worry about me."

"You tell me you're going to die, and you think I won't worry? Any day you could die right in front of me. And I just got you back."

"I know. But..." She grabbed his hand and laced her fingers into his. She was surprised when he didn't let go. "Let's just make the most out of every day and not worry about it until it happens." She said.

"I will still try and find a cure." He leaned his head on her shoulder.

"You do whatever your heart desires, big guy." She smiled to herself.

Halo: Awake and Alive (Book 2, Arbiter x Female human series.) Where stories live. Discover now