The Visit

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I watched Liv and Wayne drive off with my parents. I picked up the bag and put them into back of Sam's truck.

"What are you doing, Sage?" I put my long dishwater blonde hair with my strange purple tips into a messy bun.

"I have to visit someone. He will help us. I have known him all my life. We have to go see, Devon." Sam looked at me funny and got in. I told him how to get to his house. Caden stayed with everyone at the old hideout. We pulled into the driveway. It may look small on the outside, but on the inside, it has a lot of thing for the things that Devon does. I walk up to the door and knocks on it. Katie opens the door and lets me in. I motion Sam to come in. Devon hugs me tight.

"Well, if it isn't my little sister. What can I help you with?" I dropped the bag.

"I need a favor. So, Abby and Selena are in space. The suits that you gave us are messed up after all the fights we have been in and I was wonder if you can fix them up?" Devon took the bag and smiled.

"Good thing you dropped by. I got you new suits anyway, but I might be one short." He pointed at Sam.

"Oh, I know you can make it pretty fast. I will show Sam to the room so you can get his powers." Sam looked at me nervous. I walked into a room that looked like a mad scientist lived there.

"Sage? What are you going to do to me?" I looked at him and smiled a gentle smile.

"It's okay, Sam. It won't hurt you. We are going to scan you, and my brother will make a suit that will only work with your powers, and nobodys else powers." Sam breathed out in relief. I pulled out a stool and leined him over to it.

"Sit! Now stay really still. Don't move. If you move, it will mess up the suit." Sam nodded his head. I pulled down a funny looking camera, but it scanned him and took pictures of his powers. I pushed up and walked out of the room. DeWayne looked at the suit and the materials he need to make it. Between Devon and I, we can make the suit fast.

While we are working on the suit, Caden, Jr, Jackie, and Kendall go to another secret hideout that was built underground for hiding reasons.

"So, does anyone know where we are going?" Jr blurted out! Caden was in the back hurting that Abby was gone.

"I should have been sent into space instead of Abby and Selena! I'm completely useless." Kendall looked at Caden through the mirror.

"Caden, this is not your fault. It's nobody's fault, but Lucas'. We had no idea that Abby would have been sent." Caden's eyes filled with tears of pain and sorrow.

"We are almost to our location. I think Abby is okay. Just as long as she stays where she is. Like Sam told Sage. We will get them back. We promise." Jackie rubbed Caden's back.

"Leave me alone Jackie." Jackie pulled her hand away and looked out the window. The truck hit a button, as they stopped, the truck started to go down a hole. Everyone, but Caden watched everything go up as they go down.

"I guess this is the place. Look, there is a parking place for Caden's truck. One for Sam's and one for Sage's." Kendall pulled the truck into a parking place. Caden got out, without a word spoken, he went into a room that had his name on it and locked himself away in the room. Kendall felt worse then when I was gone.

Caden is hurt. I wish I could help in some way. He needs us as much as we need him. Kendall walked to his door and knocked on the door. She waited to see if he will answer. She knocked again. She heard footsteps.

"What do you want, Kendall? I want to be alone."

"I know, but you need a friend and I'm here for you. Like you were there for Sage. Come on Caden, open the door. Please." Caden opened the door, with tear stains on his cheeks from crying.

"I told you to go away and leave me alone." Kendall hugged him because she is his friend.

"No matter how many times you tell me to leave. I am always here for you like Jr is." Caden looked at her for a second and hugged her back.

"Caden, nobody wants to be alone. Being alone won't solve your problem." Caden held back his tears and looked at Kendall.

"Thank you! I feel better now. I was thinking about myself and did not realize that I am affecting everyone." Kendall smiled her gentle smile, the only smile she knows that it makes people feel better. Caden walked into the same room with others.

"Are you better now, Caden?" Caden hugged Jackie.

"I'm sorry, Jackie. I'm sorry I got mad at you." Jackie hugged him back knowing he was just mad at himself for losing his girlfriend.

Back at Devon's house, Katie comes down to the lab, she walks up to Devon and me while working on Sam's suit.

"Shouldn't the two of you be sleeping? It's midnight." I look at my brother, and than at her.

"We just got done. Sam and I will be heading out now."

"Sage, It is too dark and it just started raining. Sam and you can sleep on the couch tonight, and head out in the morning. I never see you anymore. Please? I don't want my little sister driving out there." I looked at Sam, who was half asleep with his hand propping his head up.

"Okay. We will sleep here tonight. We will spend half the day here with y'all. I wanted to hang out with my nephew, before we have to go into space to save Abby and Selena." The four of us walk up the living room where Devon and Katie left us and went to their room. I went to Sam's truck and grabbed a bag of stuff for us just to spend the night. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and changed my clothes to something to sleep in. I laid down on the love couch while Sam took his shower. I pulled out my phone and started texting Kendall.

Hey Kendall. How is everyone?

They're all good. Caden is feeling better. Liv and Wayne are not back yet. When are you guys coming in?

We will be in tomorrow night late. Maybe around one in the morning.

Okay! I will put the leftovers from dinner tomorrow night in the fridge for you and Sam. Well I will let you go to sleep. Night!

Night! See y'all tomorrow.

I put my phone down, as soon I put it on the charger, Sam walks out. Sam leaned over the back of the couch, and kissed my forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Babe." I smiles and kiss his soft lips.

"Night!" He walked over to the couch and layed down.

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