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I didn't care what happened to me. I was heading to the graveyard for the gifted that were gone. I knew my parents were buried here. I was scared and nobody understood it. I parked my truck and ran into the woods where I buried my parents. Sticks cut my cheeks as I ran for the graves. I stopped and looked at the graves and fell to my knees, hurt. I felt close to my dad here and nobody will find me here. I teared up and the well broke inside and I screamed out in pain, the tears fell as the pain grew stronger. I knew nobody could hear my scream because I'm alone. I thought about everything thing that happened in my life about the time Lucas took over. Everything was a mess. Everything! I sat there wondering why this happened to me. I tried to be nice like my parents raised me, but I could control the emotions that were running through me. I looked up at the grave and a spirit stood there. It didn't speak a words. It wanted me to follow it. I followed, as I followed, it got faster and I ran after it. This didn't help me at all. I kept following. It stopped in the middle of a field. I was confused at first and then more spirits from my family tree on my mom and dad's side come together. I saw people that I never met before. My mom walked up to me.

"Look at you! My baby girl has grown up into a wonderful woman. I'm so proud of you." I wiped the tears from my eyes trying not to cry anymore, but I broken when my father walked up to me.

"Daddy?" I was cried tears of happiness and pain.

"My sweet baby! I know this is hard that you killed your cousin, but I know you had to do this. Will was not ready to be here, but you did the right thing." I was so confused, I had no idea that my cousin was Will. Will's spirit showed up beside his parents. I looked around at the family trees, everyone was smiling at me like I did a good thing, but I was a murder.

"But, Daddy! I killed someone. I'm not proud of it. I killed my own cousin. I'm a monster. A Murder! I rather rot in Jail than live. I can't control the emotion inside me. I don't know who I am anymore. Who am I anyway?" My dad puts his hand on my shoulder, while I looked at him he gave me his kind smile like he did when I did something wrong, and I told him 'I'm sorry'.

"Sage! You are my daughter. The descendent from great leader from my past. Jade is a different story. I can't change her from her dark path, but I can help you. We didn't know we were going to have twins, but when you came. Our hearts were torn between you and Jade. We loved Jade, but we couldn't afford to keep both of you. We chose you, because you knew you were going to be the great leader and continue the bloodline for great leaders. Just remember we love you and are very, very proud of you." I saw a bright light out of nowhere and watched the family go into the bright light. I ran after my dad.

"No! Don't leave me! Daddy! Wait! Please don't leave me." He turned around and smiled again.

"I'm not leaving you! I'm going where I belong Sage! I will always be with you. No matter what happens, I'm here, sweet girl. I'm always in your heart forever...My sweet baby girl." And like that he was gone. I looked up at the sky not understanding what to do now. I was scared, I have never felt the same after my parents died. Things happen to people when they are alone, but I think about the good times I had with them. I'm not fighting anymore. It is time that I back out of the fight. My heart is saying that I fight for my family while my mind says that I should back out. I was lost and confused. I sat in the field thinking about it. I heard footsteps heading my way. I turned into a field mouse and hid.

"Sage? I know you are out here. Might as well come out of hiding." I knew he was being real with me. I changed back to normal and looked at Sam. I stood there not understand why he is here.

"What are you doing here, Sam?" Sam walked up to me and hugged me tightly. My life was upside down. Not sure I should trust him.

"I came after you. I was worried that you would have done something reckless like always." I laughed a little and then looked up at him. He smiled as he looked down at me. I felt better that he was here for me.

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