Sam's Past

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Not very many people know about Sam, so I thought I would share his story with you. He was not born with his power... he was cursed. I met Sam when we were in middle school together. He's only a year younger than me. Sam used to be human. Before he was born, Sam's mom was cursed by a warlock. The Warlock made sure when Sam turned 3 years old, he would be cursed with powers that he cannot control. While he was playing with some friends, he accidentally froze his friends in time. His parents had to take him out of school, or moved him to a different school. While his parents drove him to school one day, the curse that the Warlock placed on Sam's mom happened. The Warlock cured Sam's mom with a curse that would cause a wreck killing both Sam's mom and dad. My parents were killed in the wreck as well, but I was only a year older than him. I never met Sam till I was in 6th grade, but I was in the wreck that Sam's parents were in. I saw my parents die in front of me, while Sam was being taken to the Winter Shores Hospital. I don't share many of my friends stories, but this is one that the world needs to know about. Sam is not just another person, he is like my crush, but I know we can't be together. Things have gotten worse ever since Lucas took over the school. It was weird the way we met. I remember like it was yesterday, but it was 6 years ago. I was walking about the hall, and a tall figure was heading my way. I didn't stop for a second. I was kinda in a rush going to my next hour. He bumped my shoulder while I tripped over my shoe lace. Before I knew it everything stopped even me. He caught the book and paper I dropped, but once he unfroze time I fell to the ground and slid across the hall while hitting the bottom lockers. He looked around and once I caught his eyes, he ran up to me worried.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or for you to get hurt." I sat up, near the lockers rubbing my head.

"It's not your fault. I was rushing to my next hour. I was studying and times just go away from me." Sam couldn't help but smile.

"Time is not against me. I can just freeze time and get where I need be before someone gets worried. I'm so sorry, I didn't introduce myself. Hi, I'm Sam." I looked up at him.

"I'm Sage. You are lucky. I would love to have your power, but I like my better. I am a shapeshifter. Shapeshifting is like my life." Sam chuckled a little.

"I have more than one. I can freeze time and I have Superhuman Agility." I look at him with a confused face. I felt dumb, I should have listened to the teacher that told us about the different powers that was in our school.

"I'm sorry. I have no clue what Superhuman Agility is. I don't really like some powers that the students have here, but I never heard of Superhuman Agility. Do you mind telling me what it is." Sam rubbed the back of his head, and smiles a charming smiles that melts all the girls hearts. He held out his hand to me. I was not sure about it at first, but once I thought it over I took his hand. He pulled me up to my feet. I looked into his soft brown eyes. My heart was beating as fast as bunny when they get away from a wolf. I tried to look away, but his eyes sparkled like the amber brown gems. The bell rang for 7th hour and students come down the hall. I jumped on top of the lockers trying not to get ran over. Sam looked around for me wondering where I went.

"Sage? Sage? Where are you?" I turned into a bird and landed on his shoulder. He looked at the me and smiled.

"Oh, there you are. What class are you going to?" I held up a piece of paper that has Science work on it.

"Science. Mr. Logan's Biology class?" I shook my head yes. He grabbed his backpack and mine and walked to Biology class with me on his shoulder still. Mr. Logan was not in the class yet. It was 7th hour, so school was almost over for the both of us. I flew to my seat and changed back to myself. I had feathers in my mouth,while I spit them out, Sam laughed at me. He handed me my bag, while he went back to his seat. I was just scared that someone put Mr. Logan in a bad mood. I heard that someone was sent to Mrs. Evans for pranking Mr. Logan. I worked on the bell ringer that was on the bored while I wait for the teacher to get back from the bathroom. I'm guess I am not sure where he is. The bell for 7th hour to began, rings. As some of the students are talking, Sam is sitting beside me studying for our Biology test tomorrow. I look up and Mr. Logan is standing at the door with his arms crossed. The students sit in their desks quietly.

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