The Starting Line

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When I got to W.S.S.G, everyone was watching a troublemaker who got caught.

"Lucas, you need to leave,"

I crossed through the hall, without even a glance, because this kinda thing happened all the time.

Mrs. Evans had noticed me, right before I escaped her gaze.

"You need to be more like Sage. Go spend the school day with her as the beginning of your punishment."

I looked into her stern eyes with mine, struck with shock.

"What!? No way! I am not getting anywhere near him."

Mrs. Evans would not budge.

"If you won't cooperate, I will suspend you,"

I could not believe what I was hearing, suspended, just because I didn't want to interfere?!

"You are going to suspend me for not babysitting?"

Mrs. Evans replied in an impatient but calm voice, "Yes, because you refuse to do what I say."

I look at Lucas and then back at Mrs. Evans, It seemed like the brick walls around us shook in my frustration, but I was not about to get suspended because of Lucas.

"Fine. I'll help him." I sighed, regretfully "I am not about to get suspended for nothing,"

She smiled in my misery, and I watched her almost hop, in victory, away.

"Hey, Sage."

I towered over him, my eyes burning with anger.

"Let me just say, that if I get in trouble again because of you, you won't see the light of day again. Got it?"

Lucas smiled and held up his hands. "Loud and Clear, Princess."

I stormed off with him following, sternly I mumbled, "Don't call me 'Princess'."

Lucas dropped his gaze from the back of my head, and stared at the ground with his green grass colored eyes.

I felt something that I never felt before, sympathy for him. I paused and turned to him.

"Why do you hate me Sage?" He asked.

"I don't hate you. I just don't agree with everything you do." I wanted to hug him, but then, I didn't.

What are these feelings?! I thought.

"Sage!" I hear.

I turn around and Jr was running frantically toward me.

"What's wrong?"

"I need your help. Please help me," He asked breathlessly. He pointed, and three muscular college kids were charging at us.

I noticed them as Jr scurries behind me.

"Stop!" I called.

They pause, and one of them shouted,

"We need that weakling behind you, hand him over the simple way, and no blood will be spilled!"

"," I stood firm.

They started to corner.

"Sorry lady, he's ours!"

I morphed into a black bear, stood up on my two huge feet and roared a mighty roar.

They weren't furious anymore. Their eyes widened with fear.

As I change back to human, they bolt to the door that leads outside, like toddlers afraid of a little lightning.

"Thanks Sage." Jr said, breathlessly

"No problem. What did you do to make them mad?"

"I threw a paper airplane in class and it accidentally hit one of them." I shook my head.

"How do you get yourself into these kinds of situations?"

Jr said in a hushed voice, "Just so you know, that guy, Lucas, is following you."

I glanced behind me. Speaking in my normal voice, "Mhm," I nod. "He has to follow me around or I get suspended."

"Well, that's stupid."


Maddie, Jr's girlfriend, ran up to him.

"Hey, Maddie."

"Jr!" She examined me from top to bottom. "I thought you said you were not going to be around her."

"Maddie, be nice."

I walk off with Lucas still following.

Somehow, Jr got away from Maddie.

"Sorry Sage, she is getting on my nerves."

"It's okay. I don't mind. You need to keep your promises."

I went into the gym for 1st hour and watched some students play Twister.

After a little while, I look around and I suddenly realized that I couldn't spot Lucas anywhere! I look around for him while thinking to myself,

Oh no! I'm dead! I'm so dead!

Jr was observing me while I walked around, trying to spot Lucas. Jr came up behind me and asked,

"Hey, What's wrong?"

"I am so dead. Dead I say. Lucas is gone!"

Jr smiled and patted my back to console me.

"Hey, calm down. He probably just went to the bathroom."

Jr walked into the bathroom to see if Lucas was there. Right when he did, Lucas used some of his magic dust on one of the guys that was trying to beat him up.

Jr ran as fast as he could, as a speedster, pretty fast, and ran into me.

"Sorry! Uh... Lucas just used some kind of dust on one the guys that was going to hurt me."

"Whoa, slow down," I said.

"We have to get everyone out of here," he exclaimed.

I thought he was crazy.

"There is no way Lucas could do that." Jr realized everyone was watching us.

"Nothing to see here!" Everyone turned away, back to their business.

"He did something to that guy."

I nodded in determination. I turned into a mouse, ran into the bathroom and listened in,

"I need you to get rid of Jr, he is in my way."

"In the way of what, sir?"

"Does it matter!? Just do what I said!"

"Yes sir."

Lucas smiles evilly.


I scurry back to Jr, and change to myself

"We need to get out of here, before it's too late!"


At that moment, Big Will, one of them that was going to beat Jr, came running at us. As soon as Jr saw him, he froze in fear. I pushed Jr out of the way, to protect him. Will got me. Will pressed me to the wall...too hard. A wave of darkness washed upon me, my breath slowing. my ice blue eyes closing. But before I had hit the ground, Jr caught me.

"Hang on Sage. I got you."

Big Will, who was under Lucas' control, picked Jr up by the neck, almost choking him, and making him drop me. I woke up from the impact.

The light almost blinded me. After moments of pondering what was going on, I suddenly realize Jr's feet are off the ground! I turned into a snake and I wrapped around Will's legs, tripping him. I slithered to Jr, and changed back to normal.

"Maybe we should leave?!"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

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