The Search

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I was awake all night thinking about my team mates.

I hope they are all safe. I think they are at the old hideout. I hope Sam understands that I have to go find them. I finally fell asleep around 4 in the morning. I'm not sure what time it was when I woke up, but I was guessing around noon. At lunch I told Sam I had to go.

"What do you mean you have to leave?! We just got each other back and now you are leaving?" I looked down and held back my tears.

"I have to find my team. Sam, they need me. I think I know where they are." Sam looked down scared.

"Sage, I'm not sure I can lose you again." I looked at him and pulled him onto his feet.

"I promise. I will be back, plus we need to find a new hideout." He didn't like the idea of me leaving, but it had to be done. I grabbed my bag and pulled out a new outfit.

"How long has that been there?"

"What? My bag? I put it in your truck before you left 3 months ago. You really need to lock your truck." He looked at me dumbfounded like when you try to explain something to your friend and they looking at like you are speaking spanish.

"What? I mean you really need to lock it."

"How did you know it was my truck." I crossed my arm and looked at him like I was dumb.

"It has your name on the bed of your truck." Sam looked at the bed of his truck.

"Oh I forgot about that." He rubs the back of his head and chuckles a little. Once he looked at me, he was scared to lose me. I could see it in his eyes that fear was sticking with him.

"Sam, you are not going to lose me, because I want you to be with me while I search for my team." Sam looked at me and smiled happily.

"You want me to join your team? But I left you for 3 months, how can you want me to be with you." I kissed him to shut him up.

"I want to be with you, and nothing will change my mind." I go into the bathroom to change into my clothes. I wash the dirt off my face. Once I dried it off, I walk out in ripped jeans and a star wars long sleeve shirts. My hair was up in a ponytail.

"Are you ready to..." I looked at him and he stood there in shock.

"What? It's just an outfit." He shook his head trying to focus again.

"I know, but you look beautiful. Are you ready to go?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Alright Prince Charming lets go," As I grabbed my bag, I looked at the necklace. I think to myself.

Why would he get me this? I love it just seem weird that he got me something this nice and I got him a necklace that has a wolf on it with a light blue crystal like gem filled with magic still in my bag. I climb into his truck still thinking about the necklace. Sam looked at me, but didn't talk to me or asked me a question. I sat there looking out the window not sure, whether or not to give him the necklace.

"Is something wrong?" I looked at him.

"Nothing at all. I was just thinking about the team." Sam smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"They will be okay. We are close to the old hideout." I looked out the window again and saw Wayne walking down the road. I looked out the back window and opened the door.

"Sage!" I got out of the truck and ran to Wayne

"Wayne!" he turned around and smiled. He ran to me and hugs me.

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