Something Strange

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Jade knew that the others were caught with Maddie as the trader, Maddie also knew that Jade was a trader too, so they teamed up and pretended to get into a fight. Sam watched Jade and the word 'trader' echoed through the halls like Jr was warning Sam about Jade.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like Jr and the others are in trouble. I think we need to go back and help them." Jade looked at him and continued to walk into the trap that is set for him. Sam looked back at Jade and then the way that they came from.

"Jade? What about the team? We have to go back for them. Sage cares about me, but I think Sage would be happy if we both save the team and then save her." Jade grabs Sam's hand and pulls him in the direction that the trap is set.

"Sage needs us. We can save them after we save Sage." Sam thinks it is weird that Jade is pulling him in that direction. Sam follows and watches his surroundings. Jade stops and looks at the hallway.

"I don't like the feel of this. I can't go in there." Sam keeps walking and trips a wire that was on the ground. Jade watched closely and covers her nose and mouth. A bucket of dust starts to tilts slowly, but Sam looks up and uses his Superhuman Agility and moves out of the way. Dust lands on the ground and makes a cloud rise into the sky. Sam starts coughing and breaths in the dust. His eyes turned black with red circles around them.

" do to me?" Sam holds his head tight trying to fight back. Lucas come up to Sam and watches the show.

"Good work Jade. I know Sage will help me now that Sam is a slave of mine now." Sage was in the air conditioning vent. She saw Sam and her heart was breaking slowly yet surely, but she didn't go in there and fought for Sam.


"Yes Lucas?" Lucas smiled at Sam.

"Sam is now your boyfriend." Jade smiles and Sam smiled back at her.

"Sam this is your new girlfriend. Jade." Sam pulled Jade close to him. I watched and knew that I couldn't help it, but my soul burned with anger. My hand started to heat up, because my great grandmother use to have fire powers while my great grandfather had ice powers. My tries to keep my cool. Jade kisses Sam, which fired me up even more. I think to myself.

I am going to kill her. That is my Sam not her's. She better hope I don't catch her off her guard. I kept crawling in the unit trying to find the plans of where they moved my parents. I turn into a mouse to get through small spaces in the air vent. I knew I could save him, because family comes first. I was scared as much as everyone else that was caught. I never looked back at them. A guard noticed the burned hand print on the air vent.

"Sir?" Lunce glanced at the guard for second and then up at the vent.

"Well! I think Sage is here and she saw what we did to her wonderful boyfriend." Sam looked at the hand print and something clicked in his brain. He had flashbacks.

Sam? You know I love, but I'm scared to be with you. I just want you to be happy, even if I can't be the one you want. Without a word his eyes change back to it normal brown color. He plans to play them till he finds me. I look through through the vent that was in the main office. There was someone in there, I fall through the vent and I change into a sparrow fast as I could, I hide in some fake bushes. I watch closely at the person. I tried to see who it was, but it was hard to tell. Without a single movement, the child or adult walked out. I turned into myself and walked over to the computer. I tried to hurry and find where they took my parents and try to save my team mates. I took out a flash-drive and downloaded the information. I hear footsteps and turned into a Etruscan shrew. It is the smallest animal alive, I hide really well, but my smell didn't change much. The person comes on with a dog. I started running along the desk, trying to get away from the dog. Out of nowhere, the dog barks at me. I squeaked and ran off into the main room. I kept my distance from the dog, the dog chases me around. I run back into the air vent trying to live. I run in the vent and looks around trying to look for everyone. I know I can't do it on my own, so I went through the vent searching for them not knowing I was being followed by Big Will. I stopped for a second to catch my breath, while I was catching my breath, I caught the scent of Big Will.

Why does this keep happening to me? I am trying to find my friends and they are trying to keep me from it. This is so frustrating. I start running to him head on. I was sick of being scared. He was a little bigger than me. I was a shrew and he was a snake. I turned into a bigger snake. He stopped and turned the other way slithering away from me. I stopped and turn back to way I was going, I was only trying to by me some time to get away from him. I think I worked for a little bit. I sniffed the air for a scent of someone that is a team member, it was hopeless I couldn't catch a scent of anyone. I turned into a shrew and sat there not understand how I couldn't pick up a scent of them. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours. I sat there scared that my friends were gone forever.

"This is my fault! I should have listened to Sage's message about not leaving his protection. Now she could be dead and we are in this big mess. I wish Sage was here." I heard his voice, so I kept listening for more of my team.

"Jr it's not your fault. We didn't know Maddie was going to double cross us like that. she played us like fools, and Sage is here somewhere." I knew when Abby was trying to be funny in a moment like this.

"Abby now is not the time to be funny. Sage is in danger and so is Sam. We can either sit here like captives or we can try to free and save both of them."

"Stop it, all of you! I know Jade and Sam will come for us. If Sage is busy, then the two of them will come for us. I just hope Sam and Jade are okay. It worries me that the two of them are out there alone." I knew I was close because their voices were louder.

"Come on guys. I know Sage will come for us. And if Sam and Jade are in trouble then Sage will save them like she will for us." I finally got to where they were, so I fell through the vent. Everyone looked at the little shrew. They told it to move along, I turned back into myself.

"Already pushing me away, I see!"

"SAGE!" I shushed them to keep the sound down.

"Look. I know this is crazy, but Jade played you guys. She took Sam and Lucas made Jade Sam's girlfriend. I'm sorry guys I should have never trusted her. Now you guys are in trouble, but my powers are growing stronger. I am going to try to turn into something that is different." I turn into Maddie. Everyone just looked at me.

"Well how do I look? With Jade's power it unlocked this new power! Well?"

"Wow you look just like Maddie. You even sound like her. I think you can get close to Lucas and try to find Sam and Your parents." A plan quickly came together. 

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