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A boy paddled furiously through the less then crowded streets of Seoul. He was riding recklessly and dodging cars.

It looked like being on time somewhere was more important than his life.

So much, that he didn't noticed the car coming from his right.

At the exact crucial time, both of them pressed their brakes and stopped abruptly. They didn't collide, but the boy was thrown out of balance and he fell down.

The driver quickly got out of his car and shouted, " don't you have eyes?"

On the other hand, the boy quickly got up and instead of checking himself, checked his bicycle.

Upon seeing no major damage, quickly sat on it, mumbled a quick ,"sorry sir", and dashed off.

The driver, who was a handsome young man in his late twenties was left with his words half spoken,

"Are you..


The man sighed and mumbled,"kids these days. Don't know what will happen to our country." Then sat in his car and went away.

On the other side, the boy reached his destination and sighed in relief. He reached at exactly 5pm. Not a minute late.

He quickly went inside the mall, gave his attendance and changed his clothes.

That's when he noticed, that he was hurt. His elbow and knee were scratched and bleeding. It even seeped into his clothes.

He cursed silently, washed his wound and tied it with his handkerchief. And only now did he noticed that his ankle was a little swollen too and he had to limp a little.

But work is work, with that thought in mind, he collected his cleaning supplies and started his work.

So currently he was cleaning the glass windows of the shop. He will start mopping the floor when the mall closes, which was three hours from now.

He sighed, he had a lot to do before he could go home.

And Today his professor was extra cruel and had given them a lot of homework.

His stomach rumbled. And his dinner is a long time away too.

Hours passed, the mall closed and he was currently mopping the floor. He was so busy thinking about his homework that he didn't noticed a presence behind him.

"You are not dancing today"

He got startled and looked back.

"Oh!! Good evening Ma'am"

"Arthit right? How come you are not grooving today?"

At that Arthit blushed and smiled shyly at the pretty lady in front of him.

"No ma'am, I got a little hurt today"

"Oh where?" , She scanned his body.

"Omg Arthit!! Your knee!!"

Arthit looked down and noticed that he had ruined his uniform too.

"Oh, sorry ma'am"

"If you are sorry then come let's go to the hospital."

"What!! No!! I mean I'll go later"

She looked at him and said kindly," please Arthit, I insist. Besides, If you don't heal quickly, how will I get to see your daily performances?"

Arthit felt embarrassed and agreed.

But the moment he stepped into the hospital, he started regretting again.
It was one of the most expensive hospitals of Seoul, and he didn't know how to back out now.

The pretty lady, as if sensing his concern, said, " don't worry, this will get covered in our company's insurance", and smiled.

So Arthit got his wounds treated and thanked her profusely.

She offered him a ride, but Arthit refused, claiming that he's just fine.

So he bade her goodbye at the hospital's exit and started walking.

Another person was also exiting the building at the same time. He saw that limping boy and immediately recognised him as the boy from this evening.

So he did get hurt, he thought. But good thing he got it treated too. Then went home, that boy long forgotten.

And on the other side, Arthit reached his rooftop room and squealed like a girl.

His heart was thudding and he was excited and nervous.

That pretty lady Namtarn, was his boss and owner of the mall. Of course he had seen her numerous times, but never met her.

She was known for her beauty and her kindness. And half of the male workers in the mall were in love with her.

And today, Arthit became no exception.

--------------to be continued --------------------

Falling in love K-drama style [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now