What ifs

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Louis POV:
I stare at him as he climbs in bed with her, her arms closing around him. I can't sleep, I toss and turn as I think, a couple more days and we'd be splitting up Megan to go back home with her brother and we'd be back on tour.

I think about Harry and Megan the things that would go down between them, Harry proposing within a week or two, Megan saying yes, the wedding invites, all of this fuels my anger a little more then I remember the old lady I talked to yesterday and what she said.

"You can't ignore the people you love. Even if they've taken a love from you. He's still family.—Ever heard of second chances?—Tell me how it goes! I'll meet you back here tomorrow."

I laugh a little to myself and look over again at Megan and Harry. She was right, I do love her only problem is the man I called my best friend loves her too. I sneak out and down to the area where I found her before. It's early so I don't expect to see her but as I turn the corner I see her sitting on a bench, she smiles when she sees me.

"There you are, I was worried you'd never show."

I chuckle as her frown and worried lines disappear when she smiles. "I told you I would, didn't I?"

"So how are things going? Have you told her?" She pats the seat next to her.

"No I haven't said anything. Thing is she has fallen head over heels for him, and he for her. So when I asked him why, he said he was scared the when I asked why he thinks the future would be different, he said because he loves her, he wants to marry her!"

The old lady just listens to me rant, her face looked concerned. "Sometimes it takes a friend to listen and sometimes it takes a best friend to tell the truth."

"But, I can't be that person things are already confusing enough around here, I don't want my feelings getting mixed with it all. Best I stay out of it."

"But darling no it seems like you're the center of it, am I right?"

I think back to when we had first arrived at the hospital, our main concern was getting Megan better, then Harry went missing, Megan woke up and I fell head over heels. I was concerned about her who she loved if he was treating her right. I thought about how I would be better for her, I tried to make an impression on her by getting Harry back to his senses, that didn't end well, then I try to keep her to myself by not letting Harry in the room. I let out a heavy sigh. "This is all kinda my fault isn't it?"

"You can't help falling in love honey, it just hard when the love we want is already taken and we are the ones sitting on the sidelines."

"What do I do?"

"Well, give the man a chance who knows maybe he's changed, came to his senses, he is after all your best friend is he not? That doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a good whoppin' but he's only human. Louis, I can tell you love her very much so protect her, love her from afar even but if you keep battling for a heart that's already taken is going to break yours harder and faster than it's supposed to, be patient."

With that her nurse comes to take her away.

I think for a while about what she said and decide to lay low. After all maybe Harry has finally come to his senses, I can't help but be disappointed, but at the same time I know deep down it's for the best.

I take my time going back up stairs knowing how much I need to keep my distance to make this as painless as possible. I push the button to go up the doors open, I walk in as I see Josh start to walk out.


"Hey." Is all I reply refusing to look at him. The elevator starts to close before he stops it with his hand.

"Do you mind I actually wanted to talk for a second."


We go sit at the bench and sit in silence for a while as Josh gathers his thoughts.

"You know how much I hate the idea of her marrying him, I mean I know they both love each other but in the long run they're going to need more than just that. I don't want this to be just another fling for him. But at the same time I could tell the moment he saw her again he would stay true but there's still the big what if... like what if he doubts himself, what if she gets PTSD from all this, I don't know. These scenarios play in my head and it takes all I have to tell myself he changed."

"I see what you mean. But in the end you know they're going to make their own choices, and their own mistakes I think all we can do right now is be the safety net in case they fall."

"I just want to see the old Megan back, you know the one who loved to write and make up stories. The one who loved to draw, and whenever she was in a pickle she'd think of a creative way out of it."

"Harry's not the one who took those away from her though. You know who did that, and besides I'm sure she's still there, she's just been hiding for so long she's not sure it's safe to come out."

"Your right, so how do we get her back?"

"Let's just make it past these next few days and get out of here first."

He nods in agreement and we head back upstairs as the sun just starts to come up.

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