I cant protect you! (Just Harry's POV)

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Harry's POV:
It took all my willpower not to run to her room when Josh finally texted me telling me she was awake. I check into a hotel for later tonight. I knew I couldn't return to her room, the nightmare had scared me. No I couldn't return she was better off without me.

My phone rings a few times and I look to see her brothers face light my lock screen. I ignore the call and look out the café window. It was getting dark out and the cafe was next to the hotel so I wait until closing time to actually leave.

I hear a commotion across the street and see camera lights flash. I walk faster to the hotel and get in the doors as quickly as possible without drawing too much attention to myself. No doubt they got pictures but there were few if any. By the time I got up to my room the pictures and reports of seeing me were already up online. My phone gets blown up with notifications so I shut it off and toss it to the side stand by the bed. I sprawl out on the mattress, kick my shoes off behind me, inch myself under the covers, and was out within ten minutes.

I wake up to a pounding at the door. I look over at the time and see it was four in the morning. I close my eyes to try and block the noise but it continued, and seemed to get louder as the knuckles crashed into the door. I groan and roll over to face the door. "Who is it!" I ask.

The voice on the other side was Irish so I knew it was Niall.

"It's me! And Liam and ummmm," there was a pause and a few whispers exchanged, "Josh!" 

I really didn't want to talk to any of them at the moment so I try and make up some excuse. "Ummm I'm not dressed don't come in!"

"Come on you can do better than that Harry!" Liam's voice came from the other side of the door and Josh's soon follows.

"Yeah and besides it got freezing cold last night! There's no way you could've gone to bed with nothing on!"

I sigh being defeated, instead of making up an excuse I flat out say no to the coming in.

"Aw Harry it's freezing out here! And besides we know what's going on!"

Now I'm really confused. "What do you mean you know what's going on? You have no clue what's going on! Your just saying that to get me to open the door!"

Josh's voice comes through the wood door. "No, Harry look at your phone! She woke up and remembered everything! We went back last night when we didn't find you... Harry she, she even saw us..... She saw everything, she said it was like she was watching her life at a movie theatre. You want to know that her favourite line was?"

I swallow hard not really wanting to know the answer. I said so many things. I didn't think she was watching me. I fight back tears and say no, but he says it as I say no and tears immediately follow.

"Her favourite line was can I keep you. She said when we find you to tell you she says yes. She wants you to know she understands you, and she knew when you left it was because you felt you couldn't protect her. She felt you leave, she felt a cold wave go over her it was as if a part of her died all over again.. Harry turn on your phone, please... She wants t talk to you, she wants to hear your voice."

I sniffle, turn over to the bed stand, and reach for my phone. It took a while to turn on but when it did it took no time for it to start ringing. Louis picture lit up my lock screen the time but I knew it was her calling. I answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Harry?!!" Her voice was raspy and dry and she sounded on the edge of tear too.

I feel new tears form as I hear her voice again. "Megan?"

"Please come back! Please!" I hear her her voice crack hard and becomes even more dry. She coughs a little as well, she was sick and I needed to be there.

"But I can't protect you! You saw me, I became one of them!"

"Harry it was a dream nothing else! Please, just come back I need you."

The phone gets transverse to different hands and Louis talks. "Yeah hi Harry, um she  really does need you, like she won't take any medicine or anything the doctors give her. She says she won't unless you come back or else what was the point of her living? She drinks water but that's it."

" I, I can't. I'm sorry." The phone passes through hands again and Megan's voice comes back.

"Harry it was a dream! You can't let s dream determine our relationship! I know I love you Harry, and I'm not willing to let that dream get in the way of any happiness we could have together. But I need you to feel the same, do you love me Harry?"

The question she asked was like she had stabbed me in the heart and twisted the knife, I hesitate. "Harry?"

"Yes...yes I do. I do love you but, I can't protect you. I wasn't there, and I couldn't protect you."

Her line goes quiet for a while. When she finally talks again her voice shakes and I could tells she was crying. Megan if all people does not cry in front of anyone. Yet there she was in that hospital with Louis, and two or three doctors/nurses crying. "Harry if you can't protect me nobody can, and I guess this is just going to have to be goodbye then. Because if anybody deserved me it was you. I don't want anyone else, no one else could understand me like you, no one could kiss me like you, nobody could be you. I can't love anyone else like you. Harry, I love you."

The line goes dead as tears fall. I hear a knock on my door, and Josh's voice behind it.


"Go away!"

I hear Liam's voice in the background whispering. "Come on guys he doesn't want to be bothered let's leave him to his thoughts." With that their steps receded and it was just me again alone in the hotel room.

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