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Harry quickly jumps out of the bed.

"Shit! What the hell are you doing here? How are you here?" He asks.

When he sees Harry next to me he immediately stiffens."Um, I came here to get my girlfriend. See, unlike you, I'm actually around when she's hurt. By the way, next time you try to tie someone to a bed and make up a story, make sure their best friend isn't a police officer and a phone isn't at hand."

"Shit" he mumbles. Harry clenches his fists and tries his hardest not to punch him in the face. He knew if he was to open his mouth nothing good would come out so he kept it shut.

"Yeah that's what I thought. A little fucker like you, better keep your mouth shut, you might get someone pregnant." He says, a cruel smile draped on his face.

This pushed his limits, Harry springs at him. All his weight and anger flew with his fists. Max hits back though throwing, if possible, harder fists. Max is on top of Harry giving him a bloody nose. Harry throws him off into the chair by the window and gives him a bloody cheek and a black eye. All I could do was cry and plead for them to stop. I try to sit up multiple times but it was useless. Max throws Harry off and starts towards me; he gets as far as putting his arms under me.

"HARRY!" I yell in terror.

He pulls Max out from under me. My body slams back onto the bed, knocking the breath out of me. Half a second later I regain my breath; my neck is crooked against the crease where the bed is sat up and I try to regain a comfortable position. Harry pins his back against the wall. The nurses and doctors hear the commotion and run in one with two security guards. The guards tear the boys off one another and one of the doctors come over to my bed.

"You okay sweetheart?" he asks. He picks me up and lays me back on my back. I am in complete hysterics and can't answer but shake my head. All I feel are the tears falling and my face red and sore. The doctor puts his hands on my shoulders and tries to calm me down. He calls over to one of the nurses and says something I couldn't hear. My chest tightens and I gasp for a breath. The doctor puts some sort of bag over my mouth, and the nurse runs to get whatever it was.

They take the boys out but not before Harry and I lock eyes. Suddenly, something seemed to snap and my mind and eyes went black.

Harry's POV:

I saw them but a bag over Megan's mouth and panic comes over me. A nurse runs out to get something and I struggle to get out of the security guard's grip. They throw me out one way and Max the other, one of the doctors in the hallway sees my bloody nose.

"Hey need some help?" He asks.

"No I'm fine it's just a little runny." I say. He walks away and I run back to Megan's room but the door is closed. The nurse rushes back in behind me and I stop the door with my hand and open it to find Megan hyperventilating with the doctors trying to calm her down. I step toward the bed, she sees me and hyperventilates even more. The nurses push me back out of the room. I cry, what the hell was I thinking? I hear Megan scream.


I run back in. I see them stick her with some sort of needle in her arm, her face red and still wet.

"Megan!" I yell I run back to her bedside.

She shakes her head "Leave me alone!" she yells "I'm fine! HARRY?!!!" She obviously wasn't, her face was still red and her breathing was still not settling. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Megan?" I ask.

She shakes her head more violently "NO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!HARRY?! HARRY!! PLEASE, HARRY COME BACK!" Her voice is like knives cutting me. "Megan?!" Just then the door slams open and her brother runs in.

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