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Harry's POV:
"What exactly do you think you promised Harry?"

"Never to leave her! That's what I promised! Never to leave her, but... But if she leaves I'm leaving too!"

Josh looked at me surprised. I guess he doesn't really know how much I love her. He shakes his head. "No your not."

"Yes I am!"



"BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE'D WANT!" I look at the ground. "You know that!" He says, his voice quieting down.

"I CAN'T lose her again!" I say my voice cracking. I feel a cold tear run down my hot face, "I can't lose her, I-I was so Lost those four months. I-I still love her Josh, if I couldn't be good enough for her who am I good enough for? She, she is perfect, I can't have her taken away, not again. Not again." I look away as more tears fall.

"Harry, I-I'm sorry I didn't know. Honestly, she never told me the full story. All she told me that day was you guys were taking a break and it was mutual understanding."

I laugh a little and sigh, "Typical Megan," Josh looks a little offended, I laugh a little more, " Always one to hide her pain, she tried so hard to be happy but, when she was with me, I could tell something was the matter. I tried so hard, every chance I had, to ask her if she was happy. She always replied yes and after a while she seemed annoyed so I stopped asking."

I stop crying, but still sniffle as we make our way to a bench in the hallway and sit as I tell him more. "She, was always, always smiling, I should've known it wasn't her real smile I should've just taken her in my arms and held her. Should've told her it was all going to be ok. I, I don't know what I would do if she leaves. It would be my fault... I should've payed attention, should've listened, been there."

Josh who was listening intently stops me. "Listen you were there! First of all, your job was just demanding, she understood that, really she did. And secondly, you saved her, you saved her, and lastly, it tore her up just as much as it did you."

I was truly surprised at his last comment. "But she..I... Oh my gosh!"I hold my head in my hands. "Why am I so oblivious?"

Josh puts his hand on my back. "Honestly, she hid it so well. Even if we'd admitted we knew what was going she would've denied it, she ran away with Max for goodness sakes! She denied everything."

The door opens to her room and the nurse steps out her face serious. She looks at me then to Josh, then to me again. "She's stable you can come see her now."

I stand and without even looking in Josh's direction bolt to the door almost running the nurse over. She quickly moved to the side letting me in, Josh quickly followed behind. As we walked in the room the tears are too hard to hold back as I see her with a mask over her face breathing for her. Through all the wires and tubes I still found her breathtaking and wanted to hold her so close, yet all I could do was gently touch her arm then pull back afraid of breaking her, she seemed so fragile.

Megan's POV:
I watch as my brother holds his head in his hands and rushes out the door to go for a run, and Harry sits on the bed just staring at the floor with his head in his hands. I see the door open and the nurse comes in Harry stands and meets her in the middle of the room.

"How is she?" He asks impatiently
The nurse has him sit back down and tells him the news.

"I'm sorry but, she's in a coma and very fragile at the moment."

Harry immediately stands and asks what room the nurse hesitates to answer but he asks again and she tell him he immediately runs out of the room to a door that was only just down the hall from his, he pulls out his phone I look over his shoulder to see him texting my brother he sends it and slowly walks in I follow after, I see tears form as he sees me lying almost motionless except for my breathing. I didn't want him to see me in such a fragile state, I watch him walk over to my bed the nurse who had followed in after me speaks up.

"She can hear you you know you can talk to her"

He looks over at the nurse, "I promised her I'd stay, I broke it."

I shake my head disagreeing with him. "No Harry, " I say talking to myself,"No you didn't if anything I broke my promise I made to you."

The nurse talks some more "She would've wanted you to fix yourself before you saw her I recon. In fact I bet if she had it her way right now she wouldn't let you see her at all."

I smile and nod my head vigorously. He smiles too, "Well, she's probably thinking that right now." He leans down next to me, I watch as he leans in close keeping his voice soft and smooth to be sure I could hear him, "Megan, I love you... I'm here and I'll never leave you again."

As soon as he said it tears struck my eyes, knowing he couldn't see me I left them fall. The nurse smiles, "You her boyfriend?" I smile and laugh a little o the inside.

He looks up and smiles back, "If she'll have me when she wakes up." Again I nod my head vigorously.

Harry's POV:
I bring a chair close to the bed not wanting to climb in with her for fear of the worst. I look closely at her eyes praying they would open. Suddenly the light catches something shining off her cheek I look closer and see a tear drop. I quickly wave Josh over and show him. He stares in aw then smiles his eyes overflowing with tears.

"She's waking up.." He grabs my shoulders and I grab his. "She's waking up!" He runs out to get the nurse. I sweep her bangs to the side like she likes and smile just thinking of her bright blue eyes smiling again, tears fill my eyes I let them fall happy tears are always better than sad ones.

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