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Harry's POV:

Breakfast, or at least that's what the plan was. But sometimes it's best to have at least two of those. We walk hand in hand to the cafeteria. It's earlier in the morning so there aren't very many visitors. Of course we smile, take pictures, and sign autographs, but you can't get to everyone so we pass by a few and just wave. Megan kept close the whole time clinging to my arm.

My heart nearly broke in two. Her fragile figure seems so tormented I can't help but wonder what sick bastard would make a beautiful person suffer like that. Then I remember, I'm that sick bastard. I feel my eyes fill with salty tears but I don't let them fall, I can't let her see. She'll ask why, and honestly I couldn't tell. Even my own explanation makes it feel like I have rocks in the bottom of my stomach.

"Hey? What's going on?"

I was so lost in my own mind I forgot we were heading to breakfast. Megan looks up at me.

"What's the matter?"

I look in her electric blue eyes and feel the hot tears fall as I see how tired they are. I feel my voice crack as I open my mouth. "Nothing's the matter."

I clear my throat and look away, but I feel her eyes still staring holes in the side of my head. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly this held back the tears a little more. I turn to her and look her in the eyes. I bite my lip.

"I promise nothing is the matter. I just can't imagine anyone more perfect."

Her face lights up with a smile sending jolts of what look like lightning through her eyes.

I catch a glimpse of her brother who was on the other side of her rolling his eyes. I ignore it and focus on her. She put her head on my shoulder and relaxed as we walked. We hear fans screaming outside but it was nothing any of us wasn't used to. Even Megan wasn't flustered by it.

We wave and walk a little faster to the cafe the longer we spend here the longer the news would spread that one direction is in town.

We finally reach the cafe where everyone sat eating breakfast. I pull out a chair for Megan and slide myself in the chair next to her. I ordered a muffin as Megan orders a big stack of pancakes. I look around the table and see Louis staring as we eat breakfast. I roll my eyes and ignore him.

"Guys come on let's talk, please. I hate all this awkward silence." Megan looks around the table. Still no one says a word. "Fine then," she says as she stands up. " I guess it's high time we go home then." She looks over at her brother, who doesn't move an inch. "Come on now I don't want to be the cause of any kind of trouble between you guys. It was bad enough seeing it as a nightmare."

That's what she referred to it all as a big nightmare, I could see the resemblance. I take it upon myself to be the first to speak.

"Guys listen, this is absolutely ridiculous. I've said I'm sorry a bazillion times what more do you want from me?"

"Come on it's not all your fault." Megan says putting her hand on my shoulder. I shiver at her touch.

"How is it not?" Louis asks throwing dagger like stares at me.

"It's just not ok? If anything all this contention is my doing take it out on me not him."

"You know why we can't do that, you've been through enough already."

"Louis listen to yourself. You don't want to take it out on me because I've 'Been through enough.' But look at the way your treating my best friend right now. You're throwing daggers at him and he sits there and takes it because there's no way to defend himself. He has everyone against him, and it's not fair. Sure he may have screwed up but he's willing to make up for all of it yet you won't give him a fighting chance, none of you will." She stops and looks at everyone around the table. "Listen I didn't have to come back. I could have left. But this is one reason I did. So things like this didn't get ruined. I guess that was my mistake then." She starts walking away, and I call after her.

" Megan? Megan!"

"Go away!" She snaps back.

But I knew better, I follow her all the way out to the garden area outside the hospital.

"What?" She turns, and folds her arms across her chest. Her eyes glossy from the tears she held back.

I choke back tears of my own and bring her in for a hug. "It's not your fault." I whisper into her hair.

"Isn't it though?" She asks unfolding her arms and bringing them around my waist.

"No it's not, and don't you ever think that." I slightly tighten my grip around her fragile figure. I feel people start to surround us and quickly become protective. I feel her hot tears hit my white shirt. "Come on baby let's go inside." I reposition my arm to around her shoulders and we turn back to the door.

Cameras flashed in our faces. "Harry, are you and Megan back together?"

"Harry is she playing hard to get?"

"Megan do you only like Harry because he has money?"

Questions were being flown every direction, all of them landing on us. Then I hear them.

"Oh my gosh! It's Harry Styles!!"

"Harry we love you!"

"Harry follow me on Twitter please!"

My grip seemed to lessen on Megan. I was losing her. "Guys give up a little room please."

For a second the nice guy routine was ok and I began to regain my grip, but as soon as I found my hand back around her waist things became a little too close for comfort.

I push us forward to where I think the doors were. The crowd gets thicker.

"Harry? Harry?!"

I hear her scared voice behind me. I turn to see we were only keeping connected by the tips if our fingers.

"Megan?" Suddenly flashbacks of the nightmare dance around my head. I have to snap out of it.


I hear her voice  again and whip around. I look to see a mob of cameras surrounding her red flannel shirt. She tries her best to shy away from the cameras but she was surrounded. I watch as she slowly sinks down to the asphalt hiding her head between her knees.

"Megan!" I call out her nam but she doesn't lift her head. "Megan?!" Still no response. I shove through the crowd of people between me and her. "Get out of my way! Have you no respect! This is a hospital here not a reporter gym! Go away!" No such luck. I shove though some more people and finally reach her. "Megan? Megan are you ok?" I kneel to her level. "Hey guys back off a bit come on!"

The camera people and reporters back up a bit but only a few feet giving a little circle for us to somewhat breath.


She looks up slightly, her breath was shaking. "Harry?"

"Don't worry babe I'm right here."

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