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Megan's POV:
It was terrible trying to fall asleep. Honestly I really didn't want to. I was scared half the time I would not be able to awake up, and the other half I actually spent sleeping, well sleeping on and off. I wake up again and glance at the clock. It was three in the morning. I close my eyes shut and take a deep breath. It was just a dream that's all... I repeat this to myself a few times before I could really accept it. I relax and try to fall back asleep only to find hate and fans mobbing me again. I call out his name and see him walk past on the other side of the street. I must have super hearing because I hear him loud and clear though his words are mumbled.

"I can't protect you I'm sorry..." He repeated this phrase over and over and just as the mob fully engulfs me I see him look over and make eye contact. Then everything is black and I feel like I'm falling. My back hits something solid and I sit straight up in bed yet again this time a gasp escapes my lips.

Josh quickly comes over, "What happened?"

I close my eyes to clear my head and see the mob. I quickly open them again, "Nothing, it was nothing."


"I said it was nothing okay! Please don't stay up with me. I've already taken enough of you sleep away this week." I stare at the bed sheets, trying to avoid eye contact but I feel his eyes still staring at me.  There was a long silence. As the silence continues between us I feel tears prick my eyes. I feel the end of my nose turn red as I try and hold back the tears. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. My sides hurt but I couldn't hold them back.

"I'm sorry." I whisper through tears as my brother climbs in with me. He gently moves one of his arms under me and his other draped over me. I turn into his body and cry, that's all I could do was cry. My brother smooths my hair as I just cry into his chest. When I finally am able to take a full breath again Josh somewhat releases me. Tears still fall but not as fast, my breathing is somewhat even, and I can talk. " I-I need him still. I c-can't do this alone. I k-know I have you and the boys but, i-it's not the same."

"I understand. I'm sorry." He squeezes me tight and releases quickly. He kisses the top of my forehead. He looks over at the clock. "Megan? You need to try falling asleep again."

I shake my head vigorously. "No, no I can't! It, it kills me every time. No, no I can't go to sleep, not again." I bring my arms close to me and bury myself again in his chest.

"Come on now just try it please?"

"No I can't!"

I hear another voice on the darkness. It was next to the bed. "Hey Josh?"

"Yeah Louis?"

"Mind if I try something?"

He takes a deep breath and losses his grip completely. "Sure you can try."

Louis slips in next to me, repositioning himself like Josh did. "Come here love." I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest. His breath was shaky, he was nervous. "I-I know I'm not Harry, and my voice is no comparison to his but I just want you to close your eyes and pretend ok?"

I take a shaky breath myself and nod. I feel some vibrations in his chest as he hums the beginning of little things. I imagine Harry lying next to me instead of Louis. His quiet voice, his bouncy soft curls, his perfect smile. Then I was out.

Louis POV:
I hear Niall from the window seat that was turned into a bed.

"Hey Louis? Want me to take a turn?"

I look at Megan and how snuggled close she is. "No mate I'm fine gets some sleep." I hear the sheets rustling and see a shadow  stand by the widow and walk toward the bed.

"Louis, you need to sleep, you haven't in two days."

"Yeah so? How is that any different when we're on tour? Niall I'm fine promise."

In the dark Niall drags a chair next to the bed. "What's eating at you?"

I sigh, "I don't know really, I don't. I want to keep her safe though I feel like I have to be the one to take care of her now. I don't know what is going on in Harry's brain. It's like he's, I dunno, gone it's like he's not all there if you know what I mean."

"I know it was like the nightmare had driven him insane. But Louis, she's-"

"I know, she's not mine. But it just feels right, if Harry can't protect her then I will. Look at her arms Niall! This girl has obviously been through enough and to have Harry freaking out like he is doing she doesn't need that. I was here when she woke up I was here when he finally picked up the phone. She was broken, Niall she's been broken one time too many. And look she's been asleep for a good half hour now that's the most she's gotten all night. It, just, feels right" I feel a knot in my stomach as I wait for Niall to reply.

"You don't have to protect her alone, Harry loves her still and I get that but your right he's not in his right mind. That's why if Harry comes I don't think we should let him in."

"What! No! No you can't do that. You can't do that to him, or her for that matter."

"Louis that's not Harry!" Megan stirs. I place my hand on her cheek and paint circles like Harry would, she falls back asleep.

"Not so loud... I know that's not Harry, I know. But it's not right keeping him from the only person who could possibly make any part of him come back. She could show him what he can do to protect her."

Can I Keep You? (1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now