Chapter 13

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Once nightfall came, (Y/n) snuck into the castle's sewers and then she remembered her way to the Snakemaster's hideout. She looked around for him until she saw one his pets, which was a cobra, that had decided to slither around her leg. (Y/n) wasn't creeped out when she saw this snake and then the Master of snakes appeared.

"Looks like Sophia likes you, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) looked up and she saw the Snakemaster. Sophia slithered back to her master and she sat on his shoulder like the tamed pet she is.

"You haven't changed one bit since the last time we spoke, Hayate."

"I would prefer that you'd use my nickname."

"Whatever, anyway, did you get my message?"

Hayate held up the small note that (Y/n) left next to the dungeon sewers and he said to her.

"I got it all right, I never thought I'd see the day that you would ask the hero of Hyrule for help? what's changed?"

"This thing around my neck is keeping me here, that's why I can't leave the castle nor can my friends."

(Y/n) explained to Hayate as she raised her head slightly so that she was showing off the choke collar that Dark Link placed on her neck. Hayate ran his fingers over the choke collar and he then said to her.

"I've seen this type of magic before, this is some kind of binding spell the only way to remove it, is if and when the caster removes it for you or if you have the ability to use light magic it would be easy to get rid of but, too bad for you, must suck being a slave to that Prince of Darkness."

(Y/n) growled annoyingly when she heard Hayate say this making him chuckle at her reaction. Hayate and (Y/n) got to his workplace where there's a lot of snakes, potion bottles, poisons, ingredients and a collection of snake skins. Hayate sat down and he lets Sophia slither off his arm before he spoke up again.

"So, if you want me to help you send that message to the hero, you need to pay up."

"Oh don't worry, I've got your payment right here."

(Y/n) said as she got the snakeskin that Zoey gave to her earlier.


(Y/n) was waiting outside of Vaati's room and then Zoey came out of his room with a small bag. Zoey looked around and she opened it a little and she said to (Y/n).

"This snakeskin is from a white cobra, I'm pretty sure your little friend will be happy with this but, don't tell Vaati it was me who took this."

"Don't worry, if he does find out, I'll take the blame like I promised, thanks Zoe, I owe you one."

"You do, BIG time."


Hayate looked at the snakeskin and he smiled happily as he held it in his hands.

"This is a very rare snakeskin indeed, it's a good thing Vaati is a bit of a collector, all right (Y/n), I'll see if I can get that message to the Hero and bring him here, as promised."

"You better do that Hayate, I'm not sticking around this place any longer since I'm done working as a slave."

"I know but, I should tell you something else, it's about your sister."

(Y/n)'s eyes widen and then Hayate said to her.

"Lelia has been hunting down the remaining members of the Sheikah tribe and she knows they're hiding somewhere but, for those who were captured they were either killed by her's or Ganon's hand or they killed themselves, I heard another one killed himself and he fell off the balcony."

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