Chapter 2

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I was about to head to Castle town however, that feeling had yesterday still troubled me. Sakura showed up at the shop and she said to me.

"Hey (Y/n) ready to go?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and I said to her.


My father came out from the back shop and he said to me.

"Before you go, take this with you and keep it close at all times."

Father gave me a dagger and I said to him.

"Thanks, father, see you later."

We both headed to the woods and we were chatting away until several birds flew away from some of the trees. Sakura stopped in her tracks and she asked me.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?"

I looked around the woods and I felt the ground slightly shaking a bit.

"Something isn't right, Sakura we have to get back to the village."

Sakura was confused when I said this and she then asked me.

"Why what's wrong?"

"Danger is coming..."

I mumbled before I heard galloping like sounds from the distance. I knew right then what was coming and I mumbled.

"Oh no... bandits!"

I grabbed Sakura's wrist and we both ran back to the village. Sakura was struggling to catch up with me as I dragged her while we both ran.

"(Y/n)! What's wrong?! What bandits?!"

"If you don't believe me! Look behind you!"

Sakura turned her head and she saw the horses and she mumbled.

"Oh no!"

"Keep running! we can't let the capture us or attack the village!"

Once we got back we were about to alert the chief but I said to Sakura.

"Sakura go and warn the other villagers and tell the men to keep their women and children safe!"

Sakura nods her head and I ran and ran to the chief's house and I banged on the door several times until it opened. The chief looked at me and he asked me.

"(Y/n)? what are you doing here? what's going on?"

I was panting in exhaustion and I said to him.

"Chief..B-Bandits...! are coming *Pant* this way! I swear I could sense them a few miles away!"

"I see, go and tell your father about this and make sure he gives the weapons to-"

Suddenly a fire arrow landed on the side of the chief's house and it started to light the house on fire. I managed to get everyone out and the chief then said to me.

"Katsumi! you have to find Katsumi!"

I nodded my head and said to him.

"Don't worry chief I'll find her!"

I said as I ran off to the blacksmith shop and when I got there I saw Zoey, Cleo, Katsumi and Sakura hiding in the back shop. I sighed in relief when I saw them.

"Guys, I'm so glad you're safe, where's father and Kiki?!"

Sakura then said to me.

"Kiki managed to escape with her mother, the rest of the men including your father are escorting the woman and children out of here but we were unable to escape."

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