Chapter 11

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Link was in castle town to report to Zelda about the enemy's movements until he saw some of the villagers from (Y/n)'s home. He was shocked when he saw them, some of the men and women were injured and the children were either orphans or they were also injured as well.

 Link was shocked when he saw this and he then saw Kikki who was with her Mother. Link ran over to her and he shouted at her.


Kikki saw Link and she ran over to him and she hugs him tightly. 

"Link! you have no idea how happy I am to see you!"

"Shh, it's all right Kikki, I'm here."

Link released the hug and he then asked her.

"What on earth happened to you and where are the rest of the villagers including the women, I noticed there's only half of them missing including (Y/n) and your friends."

Kikki looked away from him and then the mayor came over to Link.

"It was bandits Link."

Link looked at the mayor and he continued.

"(Y/n) warned me about the bandits but, before we could prepare for an invasion, they just attacked us and we did our best to fight them off but they were too strong..."

The mayor lowered his head in despair and he continued.

"(Y/n) and her father did their best to fight them off but, James died while trying to fight off the enemy and as for (Y/n) and my beloved daughter Katsumi was kidnapped by those thugs."

Link was shocked when he heard this and then Zelda showed up along with some of her servants that food, water and some blankets including some of the healers as well.

"They speak the truth Link, this happened a few days ago when you left to keep an eye out for the enemy, it would seem these bandit attacks are related to Ganon and the others."

"No way, oh no, I should've been there."

Kikki looked at Link and she asked him.

"Link please, you've got to find my friends!"

"And you've got to find my daughter, please I'm begging you!"

Some of the villagers began to beg for him and then Link spoke up.

"All right! all right! I get the idea that all of you are worried about your daughters and the rest of the girls but don't worry, I'll do what I can but, I need to head back to the village so that I can try and pick up where they disappeared to."

"Thank you! thank you!"

The Mayor said as he had tears of joy in the corner of his eyes. Link sweat dropped and then Zelda said to him.

"My men will do what they can to help you as well, they have some knowledge about these bandit attacks."

"Thank you, Princess, I'll do what I can to find the missing girls."

Zelda smiled at this when he said this.

Back in the dark castle, (Y/n) was tugging on the choke collar that Dark Link placed on her neck from before while walking behind him.

"Stop messing with that collar, you can tug on it all you want but it's not coming off."

"But can you at least loosen it a little? it's choking me and it's uncomfortable."

"Stop whining, you'll get used to it."

Dark Link said angrily before he looked straight ahead again. While his head was turned away from her, she stuck out her tongue at him. Sakura was scrubbing the floors with the other slaves and she then said to one of them.

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