Chapter 16

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Lelia was back in the burned down Sheikah village and she searched everywhere for the records for the Triforce of Light and maybe some survivors who might still be living there as well. Leila left one of the abandoned houses and then she looked at the knocked down shrine.

"The shrine of Yin and Yang that takes me back."

Leila said as she remembered the time when her Father told her and (Y/n) about the yin and yang goddesses. Lelia looked at her dark triforce mark and she then thought to herself.

'The Triforce of light must be found at all costs, Lord Ganon will rule Hyrule and darkness will make the light disappear from this world for good.'

Lelia disappeared into the shadows once again. Meanwhile, back in the castle, the preparations for the gathering were almost ready, (Y/n) was in her room, getting ready for tonight even though she wasn't looking forward to it since there's a chance her sister was going to be there too.


I tied my hair back into a ponytail and I looked at the choke collar in the mirror. I thought to myself.

'I've got to find a way to get this thing off my neck and soon, Cleo can't take any more of this and I'm starting to think the others are starting head down that road as well.'

I snapped out of my thoughts and I smacked my cheeks and I shook my head.

"No, I shouldn't think like that, I've gotta stay focused."

I got to the servants' quarters to meet up with the others. Once I got there, the girls were all nervous and not looking forward tonight. I glanced at Cleo and I then asked her.

"Hey Cleo, how are you feeling? any better?"

"A little...thanks to that...sleeping draught...that master Vaati made for me...I'm starting to...feel better....than before..."

Cleo spoke in a soft/slow voice. I knew she wasn't feeling too good from the way she spoke just now, she also has dark circles under eyes and she was looking a bit thin. Zoey whispered in my ear.

"I checked Cleo earlier on this morning, I know she's just telling us that she's feeling better but, I'm not convinced."

"What makes you say that?"

"Sure the sleeping draught is helping her sleep but among other things no, I tried to get her to eat something but she's still trying to starve herself and she's already beginning to hurt herself, how she's doing it, I don't know so it's best we kept an eye on her during tonight's gathering."

"All right, we'll do our best."

I whispered back to her until Ghirahim showed up. I glared at him and I got in front of Cleo to protect her and then Ghirahim raised his hands in defence and he said to me.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt her this time."

"I'm not convinced and let me tell you something else..."

I grabbed Ghirahim by the cloak and I glared at him making Ghirahim shiver in fear.

"If you try and pull a stunt like what you did last time, I'll cut your thing off and feed it to the dogs, understand?"

"*Gulp* OK, now can you please let me go before Dark Link sees you?"


I said before I punched him in the stomach. Ghirahim clutched his stomach in pain and then Katsumi chuckled.

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