Chapter 12

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I headed to Serana and Rachel's gravestones and I got a bouquet of roses for them as well. Once I got to the gravestones, Vaati and Ghirahim had already been because they've placed a rose on their graves and they've also placed a small wooden horse on Rachel's grave. I smiled sadly when I saw this. I knelt down to their graves and I placed the bouquet of roses in between the graves and I then remembered how Serana told me red roses were her favourite flowers.


I was getting restless from working at my desk while going over the reports all day and I decided to take a break and I thought maybe a walk would help with my fatigue. During my walk, I spotted Serana picking some roses from the rose bushes. I watched as how she carefully cuts the steams off the bush and she starts to cut the thorns as well. Serana smiled as she stared at the rose in her hand and I walked over to her.

"What you doing?"

"Oh hello, Dark Link."

Serana said as she smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back a little and she then said to me.

"I'm just picking some roses for my room, I thought cheering it up a bit would help a little."

"You really like roses don't you?"

"Of course, red ones are my favourite, they're so beautiful."

I looked away from her and she noticed that look on my face.

"What's the matter? was it weird for me to say that."

"Nothing except, to me red roses resemble me in some ways I guess it's because I've got red eyes and I'm dangerous as well."

"That's not true."

I looked at Serana with a surprised expression on my face and she said to me after standing up from the ground.

"Sure whenever someone sees you, they always get into a panic, but, if you ask me, they judge you too quickly before they could get to know and you're also judging yourself too harshly."

"Oh really? then tell me this, you've been here a while now and yet, you're not afraid of me, why is that?"

"It's because I don't see anything to fear from you."

I was shocked when Serana said this and she continued.

"You look like the shadow of the Hero but, your personality is different from him, in my opinion, you've got beautiful red eyes, you're a lot more handsome than Link and you've got a kinder side even though you don't want to show anyone else that side of yours except for me."

I was shocked when she said this because no one including the women hasn't said anything like to me before. Serana blushed a little and she said to me.

"Forgive me, I shouldn't have said that."

"No, it's fine."

I stroked Serana's cheek and she looked at me with those beautiful eyes. I smiled a little and I said to her.

"That actually meant a lot to me, you're the first person to tell me about my looks and I'm glad you don't fear me."

Serana smiled at me and she said to me.

"I'm glad you think so, Dark Link."

"Serana, thank you."


A slave's story (Dark Link X reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin