Chapter 6

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After (Y/n) escaped we were moved to a different dungeon cell. I was sitting in corner of the room holding Amy close to me since she was scared. Cleo was sitting on the bed playing with a bit of her hair. Katsumi was leaning against the wall looking out of the window and she had an emotionless look on her face. Zoey couldn't sit still, she got up from sitting on the ground and she started to pace back and forth with a worried look on her face.

I looked at Zoey and I said to her.

"Zoey will you stop pacing already? you're making all of us worry as well."

Zoey stopped in her tracks and she said to me.

"Sorry Sakura, I'm just worried about (Y/n), I know she's trying to help us but I'm worried that she might have been captured by those guys."

Katsumi looked at her and she said to her.

"Stop worrying about her, if what she said about her being a trained assassin or Sheikah or whatever, she can get help."

Cleo looked at Katsumi and said to her.

"(Y/n) is telling the truth, you saw what she was capable of, what could happen?"

Just then Zoey looked out of the bars of the cell door and I noticed her eyes widen in shock.

"Oh no, it's Dark Link and he's got (Y/n)!"

Amy shot up from the ground and she rushed over to the cell door and she also spoke up.

"It is (Y/n)! But she's not fighting back."

Dark Link came over to the cell door and the guard then opened it, letting himself in with (Y/n) over his shoulder. My eyes widen at her back and I shouted at him angrily.

"What have you done?!"

Dark Link looked at me and said to me.

"I only punished her that's all, it's her fault for running away like that."

Dark Link placed (Y/n) on the ground and she yelped slightly in pain. Cleo lent her shoulder and I glared at him. Dark Link ignored my glare and he said to me.

"Giving me that look isn't going to help things, tend to your friend's wounds for the time being because since your friend has been bought by me it'll be your turns soon."

I clenched my fists tightly as we watched Dark link leave the cell, the guard locked the cell door behind him and he left. (Y/n) groaned in pain and Cleo asked her.

"(Y/n) are you going to be all right?"

"I think so but, damn it feels like a million needles stabbing me in the back, literally."

Zoey ran over to her and she said to her.

"Let me have a look at your back."

Zoey moved the back of (Y/n)'s dress slightly and we stared at her back in horror. (Y/n)'s back was bleeding slightly and the whip marks were dark crimson red. Zoey ran her fingers over (Y/n)'s back and she said to her.

"Ouch, they look sore and I'll bet it hurts a lot as well."

(Y/n) then said,"Oh, believe me, it hurts like a son of a bitch."

"Zoey is there anything we can do to help her wounds?"

Zoey thought for a moment and she asked (Y/n).

"(Y/n), do you think you can lie flat on your stomach on the bed?"

"I think so, but oh man, every step is hurting me."

A slave's story (Dark Link X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora