How Do We Get In There

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I quickly rushed up to my room not knowing that my mom got off work early. I jumped on my bed and started to text but my mom forgot to pay my phone bill which was a bummer for me so i used the house phone to invite them over. By the time they got to my house my master mind some how created a full plan in under 15 minutes which was weird when you think about it. James, Haley you guys will not believe what I just heard from the assistant principal. inside the school there's a secret hidden room that could hold facts and plenty of other stuff on this school.

Anyways I want to ask you guys a question but this operation may be a bit risky. James looked liked he already knew what I was going to say to him and was ready to say yes. Haley on the other hand looked a bit scared and confused because she never in her life did something that's major and extreme

So are you guys in on it or what. Why wouldn't I be, James said while looking exited to do something illegal. So what's about you Haley. Ugh I don't know just yet you know I'm not that type of girl to do stuff like that, Haley said. Why not you do other stuff that's crazy than that. Your not even that shy. You do plenty of stuff infront off the school and everybody laughs. You are that type of girl that does that. Are you in on the plan or what. I looked at Haley until she gave me a nod yes. Thank you, now on with the plan. We have to try to get past the principal to get into his office without getting caught and end up expelled. Now that I think about it the principle leaves his office every morning to do the announcements which take around 15 to 20 minutes. Then the assistant principal goes into his office to sort his papers. So that mean we have to find a place to hide in his office while she does that.

After she finish we have exactly 2 minutes to go and try to unlock the basement door before the janitor comes and cleans his floor. The lock on the door is a key lock which is a advantage for us because James somehow knows how to break into those. Haley this means you need to keep watch until we get the door unlocked.

Everybody was cooperative on the plan I had came up with but I had left out one important detail. Once we're in there and have seen everything there is to know how do we sneak out and get home and not be questioned the next day about our absence. That was literally the thing I couldn't come up with.

I even ask James and Haley but they were clueless. We will think about that once we are ready to leave, James said in an assuring voice. Are you sure James we could be stuck up in there for all I know of. Yes I'm sure im positive I will come up with an escape plan, James said. OK cool that's all I need to know anything you are confused of Haley. She look at me and gave me no.

Now I will need all of you guys to go home and get a goodnights rest for our plan. Make sure you get to school a little early than normal and make sure you don't go to your first period class for attendance or they will know all of us are missing.

James and Haley's ride came and I went back to my room only to think about my plan tomorrow. If I find out whats in this room that everybody in the whole school been talking about I could be popular and not be shy anymore. I could finally be one of the cool kids in school. 10 minutes past and my mom came into my room to ask me if I was hungry. Which I was close to digesting my own stomach.

She gave me a turkey sandwich with some sour cream and onion chips. The food was amazing and now I was ready to sleep and wake up and complete my mission. Before drifting off to sleep I went online and looked up a few escusses about being in a basement or a school basement just to be safe if we were to be caught exiting or even worse being trapped in the school until the next day.

I tried to put my laptop down until I saw a ad about a new computer game called Grand Theft Elite. Surprisingly I only cost $15. You wanna know what I did. I bought the game. The game was fun and hilarious. You have to complete all missions throughout the city. The games was pretty explicit cause you could harm people in anyway you please to. I played that game for one hour straight when I was interrupted by James asking me a question.

Hey Max could we all wear black for the heist tomorrow, James said. Yeah sure whatever just sleep, but make sure you tell Haley so she will know. After ending that conversation with James I played a few more mission of Grand Theft Elite untill I was very tired. I went to sleep with the laptop still running the game.

A/n Yep I'm on a roll posting daily. I have so much in mind in this book that you all will love. Only a few more days left and I will post chapters like crazy in one day. Just letting you all know in advance some chapters might be a bit shorter than others. That's only because I probably won't have the time to write as much as I use to write. Until the next chapter


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