I Love You.

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Chapter Twenty Six

Luke's P.O.V

I stood to my feet and grabbed Ella. The photographers were blocking but entrance so I ran right into them to get them to move. I knocked one of their cameras onto the floor and it shattered. "Hey man what the fuck?!"

"You're literally ruining my life!" I yelled and pushed him out of the way. He fell to the ground and I was surprised at the strength that anger had given me. "Let's go," I said to Ella and started running back to hot topic where I hoped the other boys and Ryan would still be. We ran into the store and I looked around. "Ryan!" Ryan looked up at me from helping Calum get a shirt down. "We gotta go!"

"What? Why?" The photographers plus a few more came rushing into the store.

"That's why," I moved Ella in between me and Mihael who had came up next to me. "Don't let them get another picture of her." Michael nodded and we stood tall in front of her.

"Luke! I told you-"

"They only got one, Ryan!" He was taken aback by my yell.

"Well talk about this later, run to the car," He said. We all darted through the photographers and headed towards the door. We piled into the car and Ryan drove off. "You know what I said." Ryan raised an eyebrow at me through the mirror.

"They only got one picture! And it was of Ella seeing if I was okay because they pushed me onto the floor!" I raised my hands in frustration.

"Yeah Ryan, why are you getting so mad about this? Chill out." Michael said.

"Because it's causing too much drama!" Ryan exploded. "Do you know how much shit I had to go through and how much money I had to spend on getting rid of this rumour?!"

"It's not a rumour so just let people know! Ella and I are dating! Who gives a fuck!"

"I've already done too much to prevent it!"


"She's going home Luke!"

Ella's P.O.V

His words were like a knife through my heart. I looked at Luke with tears streaming down my face. He was pissed but he looked at me with love and tears in his eyes as well. He held my hand tightly and kissed me quickly. "Ryan! That's not cool!" Ashton spoke up.

"And you can't see her again." My heart broke, I felt like I was numb.

"Dude what the fuck! We all love Ella! You're gonna ruin Luke!" Calum yelled.

"Or you're out of the band." I didn't know what to do. Where was I going to go? My apartment was ruined and I didn't have a job anymore. My heart rate was sky rocketing.

"You're being an asshole Ryan!" Michael yelled.

"Shut up! All of you!" Ryan snapped. "The other girls can stay, I'll get Ella a plane ticket right away."

"I hate you! I fucking hate you!" Luke yelled through tears. Ashton gripped his shoulder tightly to show support. I continued to hold his hand but I couldn't say anything. I was frozen with doubt and fear and pain. I hated myself even more now for what I had done to everyone. Ryan had a right to hate me.


"I'm so sorry Ella, this is all my fault, I- Ryan-"

"It's not your fault Luke." I shrugged and frowned.

"Ella please, no matter what happens, dont do anything crazy okay? I'll call you everyday. I- if you need me I'll be there okay?" Tears started to swell up in his eyes.

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