All Clear

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Chapter Sixteen

Ella's P.O.V

"Okay guys I'm going to check if the house is clear yet." Luke stood and grabbed his keys off the counter. "Ella do you wanna go?" I nodded and stood up with him.

"Okay call us if we can come back." Calum said from the couch.

I followed Luke out of the boys shared room and into the elevator that was close by. I didn't bother telling my sister where I was going, by now she knew if I was with Luke, I was safe. "I figured you'd want to see what your apartment looked like." Luke said pressing the lobby button.

"Yeah, thanks." The elevators opened and we made our way out the hotel and to Luke's car.


The boys house was clear and so was my apartment complex. "I'll go with you inside your apartment." I nodded and we got out of his car. We walked up the staircase and to my busted open door with police caution tape around it. I was wondering if we could get in trouble for going past it but fuck it, it's my apartment. I stepped over the tape and into my wrecked apartment. The girls trashed it. clearly they weren't happy with me getting away so the broke everything. My old paintings I made that my sister had put up, smashed. T.V, broken. Cabinets, ripped off. There was one thing that I wish I would have taken with me. I walked to my room. My guitar was smashed, my T.V broken, dresser knocked over. I walked to the side of my bed at saw it. I picked up the broken picture frame. The picture was fine, thank god. They had only broken the frame. "Who's that?" Luke asked me, curiously looking over my shoulder.

"My cousin Jake," I smiled at the thought of him. "He um... he committed suicide two years ago."

"Oh I'm sorry Ella." Luke hugged me from behind.

"He was my best friend," I rubbed my thumb over the picture. "He moved to Florida because his dad's job transferred in eighth grade. I remember when I went to visit him in ninth grade, it was only a month or two after I started cutting. He didn't know but I told him I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could because I didn't know how much time we had left together. He told me I wasn't that type of person but he didn't know. He never knew. He had really bad depression too and I guess he was that type of person." I cleared my throat to be-rid of the shakiness that had formed. Luke held my hand and kissed my cheek to show his support. I smiled as I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked around my room. There were holes in the walls in my room, as well as the rest of the apartment.

"I don't think this place is livable." I moved away from Luke and looked at him.

"Well you could stay with us?" Luke phrased more as a question.

"I don't want to be a bother, you guys have already done so much for me and-"

"Ella, you're not a bother."

"Are you sure you can handle seeing me everyday?"

"That's what I live for." He leaned in and kissed me. Every time Luke kissed me I got butterflies. No guys had ever liked me before so now that Luke does, it's like... magic. "I love you." He said slowly, making sure I knew he meant every word.

"I love you too." I would never get used to saying that, I meant it so, it wasn't something I could just get used to. We had said it so often and you'd think it was a little early, but I did, I really did.


Calum's P.O.V

"Okay, Luke said the house is clear!" I yelled to everyone. Everyone being, Michael, Ashton, Miranda, And Hayley. The preps had left after the first night because I mean they weren't really trapped anywhere. Plus, they were going back to England for the first part of the Where We Are tour soon.

"Alright, let's get our stuff together." Ashton grunted as he got up from the chair he had been sitting in. We all packed the small bags we had brought and headed down to the lobby to turn our keys in and all that.

"Damn, she was hot." Ashton said referring to the lady at the front desk.

"You're such a horny bastard." Michael laughed and pushed Ashton a bit.

"I can't help it!" Ashton protested.

"You could conceal it." I laughed .

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let them knooooooooow," He sang.

"Oh god." I laughed.

"Well now they KNOOOOOOW!" He said pointing to his non-existent boner. We all laughed as we piled into Ryan's car.

"Hey boys?" Ryan interrupted our laughter.

"Yeah?" Us boys asked at, nearly, the same time.

"One Direction has invited us to open on Where We Are tour with them." Michaels face went white and he looked at Hayley.

"Don't worry the girlfriends can come." Michael smiled and kissed Hayley on the cheek. Where they dating now?

"I'm not necessarily a girlfriend..." Miranda piped up.

"Well you're Ella's sister, and there's plenty of room." Ryan winked at her. Ryan was the coolest manager we could ever ask for. He never told us what to sing or wear. He just told us what opportunities we had and when they were.

"Thanks, you guys are all really cool." Miranda responded to Ryan.

"Yeah I am aren't I?" Ryan teased.

"Uh she said 'you guys'." Ashton corrected him. Ryan and Ashton laughed.

"Could you guys do me a favor and tell Luke about the tour and that he can bring Ella?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah," I unbuckled my seat belt as we pulled up to the house. "Thanks Ryan."

"No problem." He waved at us as we all got out of the car.


Luke's P.O.V

"So did they completely trash the place?" Miranda asked Ella about the apartment.

"Yeah... it's not livable." Ella responded.

"But you guys can stay here if you want?" I offered.

"Ella can, I'm just gonna stay with my boyfriend. He's been asking me for a while now anyway."


"Hey Luke," Michael started. "The preps invited us on WWA and said we could bring the girls."

"Really? That's awesome!" I smiled.

"Mhm." Michael smiled back at me and laughed.

"Do you want to go?" I asked Ella.

"Yeah sure, I don't have anything else to do." She answered.

"Yay!" Calum cheered from he kitchen where he was making a sandwich.

"So wait, why do you call One Direction, 'the preps'?" Hayley asked.

"It's like an inside joke," Ashton started his explanation. "We thought they looked like the preppy guys from our high school and they thought we looked like the emo guys from their high school and thus the nicknames were formed."

"Nice explanation Ash." I laughed at him.

"I try."


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