Getting Out

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Chapter Fourteen.

Ella's P.O.V

Had Luke and I just... We aren't even dating yet! Well I mean he hasn't asked me yet. Am I in love with him? I was laying over Luke's bare chest starring at the wall and thinking. "Ella," I looked up at him.

"Hm?" I responded quietly.

"I realize I haven't formally asked you out yet..." He smirked. I smiled and a small blushed creeped across my cheeks. "Well... the Fault In Our Stars premier is tomorrow and, if the girls are gone by then, maybe would you wanna go? I know it's a chick flick and all that but-"

"Luke," I cut off his rambling. "Yes."

"Really?" He had hope in his eyes. I nodded. He smiled and kissed me. "So... can I officially call myself your boyfriend?"

"Can I officially call myself your girlfriend?" I asked him.


"Then yes."


Harry's P.O.V

"Hey cal?" Luke came down the steps, followed by Ella.

"Yeah?" Calum responded.

"What did Ryan say?" He sat down on the couch and pulled Ella down next to him. He held her hand. Wait a second... So are they a thing now?

"He said he could get some bodyguards for around the house but he doesn't think the girls are gonna leave anytime soon." Calum glanced down at their joined hands and then back up to Luke "Are you-"

"Okay. I'll be right back I'm gonna go call him." Luke cut Calum off and walked up the steps. We all kinda just sat there awkwardly.

"Okay, nope. I don't do good in awkward situations," Hayley turned to look at Ella. "Are you two dating now or what?"

"Uh... yeah." Ella said shyly.

"AWWWWW!" Everyone yelled. Ella blushed and laughed a bit.

"So anyway," Louis said interrupting our gushing. "We need to figure out how to like... completely destroy Jenevieve's life."

Luke's P.O.V

"Hey Luke." Our manager answered the phone.

"Hey, could you do me a HUGE favor?" I fiddled with the rip in my jeans.

"Well what is it?"

"Do you think you could somehow get us out of the house? I'm taking Ella on a date-"

"So you are dating?!" He interrupted me.

"Yes but-"

"Luke! we've been busting our asses trying to get rid of this rumor and it's true?!"

"RYAN. LISTEN." He shut up so I could talk. "I literally just started dating her like five minutes ago and all I need you to do is have the rumors stop making Ella look bad." I heard Ryan sigh on the other end.

"The rumor thing can be fixed, but you can't be seen kissing, holding hands, or anything with Ella in public. I can get you all out of there and into a hotel by tomorrow. I'll text you the time later but you have to understand," He paused to ensure the importance of what he was about to say. "You can not be seen doing anything romantic with her. Okay?" I sighed.

"Alright." I said quietly.

"Sorry buddy." He hung up the phone. I let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed my eyes. I looked around my messy room before running my fingers through my hair and heading back downstairs. I walked into the living room and looked out the small window again. They were still there. I walked back to my previous spot next to Ella. The boys had put in some scary movie to pass the time.

"Ryan gonna come get all of us tomorrow." I said.

"What time?" Michael asked.

"I don't know," I put my hand on Ella's leg. "He said he'd text me tomorrow."

"He's gonna get us too?" Zayn asked. All the preps looked at me.

"Yeah, all of us." They smiled at me.


"Has he texted yet." Ashton groaned. Everyone had packed their bags the next day and gotten ready to leave. It was nearly six o'clock and the premier was at twelve.

"Nope." I said while looking at my phone to check. "WAIT I'M JUST KIDDING," I yelled seeing a text on my screen. "He said he's on his way. And we have to go to the roof because he's bringing a helicopter..." All the girls gave me weird looks. "If you don't recall there's over three hundred girls surrounding our house... There is literally no other way." Most of the houses in L.A had flat roofs because of the hurricanes and wind or something like that, so it would be easy for the helicopter to get us,

"Well let's go ahead up to the roof." Calum said standing from his spot.

"You guys go ahead up, I'm gonna turn everything off." I said. Everyone headed up to the roof. I grabbed my bag and went around the house making sure everything was turned off and whatnot. I headed up to the roof with everyone else. They were all sitting on the chairs we had set out for tanning. I joined them and I could officially hear all the girls screaming and chanting.

"Well we can hear them now." Miranda laughed. The helicopter came into ear shot and drowned out the screaming girls. We all moved out of the way and they sent down a rope ladder. I sent Ella and the rest of the girls up first and then everyone else pulled in.

Ella's P.O.V

We landed on top of the Hilton hotel... Oh great.

"This is perfect, I have a plan now!" Louis yelled over the roar of the helicopter. Body guards grabbed our bags and helped us out of the helicopter and into the hotel.

"Your bag." one of the body guards handed me my bag. "Thanks." he smiled and me and escorted me, Hayley, and my sister to the room we would be staying in. It was the biggest hotel room I had ever been in in my life. I mean I hadn't been in that many but oh my god! I put my stuff on one of the chairs and walked around, looking at everything.

"You know, we could live in a place like this if you wanted to." Miranda winked at me. I laughed.

"We might need to after we see what the girls did to our apartment..."

"Dumb bitches." She scoffed. There was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it to see Luke.

"Hey," He said quickly shutting the door behind him. "I've realized that I still have none of your numbers so here's my phone," He handed it to me. "Put all our numbers in and here's a list of all of our numbers." He handed he list to Hayley. "And Ella can I talk to you... privately?"

"Yeah sure." I finished up putting my number in and handed his phone to Miranda. I followed Luke to a walk in closet. He opened it and moved stuff around like he was looking for something.

"Okay good." He said before pulling me in and shutting the door. He turned the light on. "So, because of the whole rumor thing, I can't kiss you, or hold your hand, or anything like that in public." He said sadly.

"Oh." I frowned.

"Can this be our safe place?" He asked me. I nodded knowing Hayley and Miranda wouldn't care. There were two more bedrooms with walk in closets anyway. "These walls aren't sound proof though so you can't be screaming my name as loud as you were the other night." He smirked at me. I blushed and lightly punched him in the arm.

"Shut up." I slightly laughed. He looked around again and then softly touched my cheek with his hand. He leaned down to my ear and whispered,

"It's okay, I know you couldn't help it." His voice was deeper than before, it made me shiver and my heart rate increase. His hand traveled down my back and into my shorts pocket. He kissed me like he was leaving forever. I felt numb and breathless after he pulled away. "We'll leave at eleven." He kissed me one more time before walking out.

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