92- The split

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I've talked about the split many times before, I mean, I have a three part chapter about what could've happend between four very close friend's to become very distance strangers.

As we all know, Ryan Ross and Jon Walker left Panic! At The Disco in July 6, 2009 because of creative differences. Now, whoever actually believes that that's true, must live under a rock because there's clear proof that that was not the case:

1. Take A Vacation! By The Young Veins [2010] And Vices & Virtues by Panic! At The Disco [2011] kinda do sound the same. Take A Vacation! Has sad songs = Vices & Virtues also had sad songs. Take A Vacation! Has songs that sound happy but are actually not = Vices & Virtues also has happy but are actually not, examples: Young Veins (Die Tonight) sounds happy, but isn't, Memories sounds like a happy song just looking at the past, but isn't. Take A Vacation! Has songs that are deep, Vices & Virtues has songs that are deep too = no creative differences really.

2. Then look at Ryan's solo music and Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! Both sound like amazing songs (Because they are) = no creative differences.


. Jon's solo song, Only My Mind, and Too Weird song Girl That You Love sound the same = no creative differences.

Literally! There's barely any differences between Take A Vacation! And Vices & Virtues, no differences between Jon's solo and Too Weird To Live, no differences between Ryan's solo music and Too Weird To Live. NO DIFFERENCES. There was no creative difference like they said there was. Although that's obviously considering how there's other possible chances that happend.

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