Bonus: Laney's daydreams

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(If Laney daydreams it, it'll eventually come true.)

Daydream NO. 1: Boros and Lyra having kids. 

Daydream NO. 2: Resa and Saitama going out on a date.

Daydream NO. 3: Going on a date with Metal Bat (Badd).

Daydream NO. 4: just, wacky, unicorn, watermelon things.

Daydream NO. 5: More watermelons and unicorns.

Daydream NO. 6: Watermelons taking over the world.

Daydream NO. 7: Unicorns.

Daydream NO. 8: Boros and Lyra doing it (Le what?)

Yeah, uh, that last one, though...

Lyra Black: Dream Walker's DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now