Chapter 14

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"Why would you do this to me?" I ask my father who was under the mask.

"Because I found out what side will really win this war." My father answered. I couldn't believe that my father would betray me. Now I realize why I've been feeling the evil power of Sauron around my father ever since my mother died.

"Old Greybeard. I have a token I was bidden to show thee." The mouth of Sauron says while sneering. He takes out Frodo's mithril coat.

"Frodo" Pippin whispers. The mouth tosses the mithril coat at Gandalf. "Frodo!" he repeats but louder. When I see the mithril coat I'm shocked. What happened to Frodo? Is he dead? Or did he survive? What about Sam? All these and many more questions rush through my head.

"Silence," Gandalf tells him.

"No!" Merry says.

"Silence!" Gandalf said louder.

"The Halfling was dear to thee, I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did, Gandalf. He did." That stupid mouth said. Aragorn makes Brego walk closer towards the mouth of Sauron. "And who is this? Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a king than a broken Elvish blade."

Aragorn takes out his sword and cuts the mouth of Sauron off.

"Thank you!" I say, "He was getting on my nerves!"

"I guess that concludes negotiations." Gimli says sarcastically.

"You have no idea what you just walked into Alexa." My father says. "Join Sauron's forces and I promise you that you will live and not regret your choice."

"I will die before I join Sauron and his forces." I tell my dad. I can see in his face that he is disappointed in me. I will not join my father and Sauron and I'll fight till the end to prove my father wrong. My father rides back towards the gates.

"I do not believe it. I will not." Aragorn said to us giving us a bit of hope. "Pull back! Pull back!" We ride back to our forces. An orc army comes walking out of the gates. I see the soldiers getting scared.

"Hold your ground!" Aragorn yells at the soldiers, "Hold your ground." He canters in front of them saying, "Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down. But it is not this day. This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!" They all draw their swords out to get ready for war. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and whoever was riding a horse dismount. "Go back to Gondor," I whisper to Thunder, "I'll be back and you'll be safe there." And he gallops off towards Gondor.

"Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf." Gimli says.

"What about side by side with a friend?" Legolas tells him.

"Aye. I could do that."

"Alexa," Legolas says, "Are you ok? I know this might be weird for you."

"Yeah, it partially is." I answer. "I never thought I would have to fight against my father in war."

"It must feel weird. What are you going to do?"

"Put an end to it."

"You mean..."

"Yes. I need to kill my father."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. As long as my father is alive, he will follow Sauron. And since he is the king of Lymphea, that makes the fairies another one of Sauron's allies. I need to make sure the fairies don't follow my father and that their alliance is with Gondor." I look at Legolas, he gives me a slight nod.

Aragorn walks up a bit, turns around and tells us,

"For Frodo"

"For Frodo" I answer.

He turns around and starts to charge at the army of orcs. Merry and Pippin behind him. Then Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf and I are with the army behind us. Then we start to fight the orcs. I kill all the orcs that are in my way. There is a ton of them but I think we could manage. With my sword, I decapitate an orc, then I stab another in the stomach kicking it off my sword. We keep fighting for a while. Then out of nowhere, Nazgul come flying in. They are coming closer to us and then a giant eagle comes and takes the Nazgul down. More eagles come to help us in battle. I go find my father to confront him. I see him on his horse, standing on a rock, watching as Sauron's armies are fighting.

"A coward." I think to myself. He sees me.

"Alexa." He says. "You finally made the decision to join us."

"I'm not joining you father." I say.

"You will regret your choice, my daughter."

"I'm not your daughter. You betrayed Elrond, the Fellowship, your kin and me."

He was about to say something when an eagle grabs him and flies away with him towards Mount Doom. That was the last time I ever saw him.

The eye of Sauron is crying out in pain. I'm still fighting orcs. Then I see Sauron's troops begin running away. We all stare in shock, as the tower of Barad-dûr falls, and the Eye of Sauron disappears. A great explosion blows out from the dying Eye, and the Black Gate and the lands in between collapse and crumble, taking most of Sauron's troops with them. The top of Mount Doom suddenly erupts in a great fiery explosion. We all watch in horror as we realize that our friends are in the midst of that eruption.


Narrator POV

Back at the Crack of Doom, Frodo and Sam are running and jumping to escape the doorway, and get away from the river of lava flowing behind them. They jump to an outcropping of rock, and look across Mordor and the pooling lava, gazing at what they have wrought, and knowing that there's no way for them to escape. Frodo shudders, realizing with both joy and despair that the Ring is destroyed.

"It's gone. It's done." Frodo catching his breath.

"Yes, Mr. Frodo. It's over now." Sam replies.

Frodo and Sam lie unconscious a rock, completely surrounded by flowing lava. Three Eagles appear in the sky, one carrying Gandalf on his back. They swoop down, pick up the Hobbits gently in their claws and fly away. Frodo, half-conscious, opens his eyes and sees the Eagles before he passes out again.

Alexa's POV

"It is finally over!" Aragorn tells us. We all smile.

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