Chapitre 4

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Once Gandalf found the way we all followed him.

"Quietly now. It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed" he said. Four days in this tomb... great and I'm pretty sure that we will get noticed at one point...

Four days later

We all walk quietly behind Gandalf. Then Gimli goes through a door.

"No! Oh, no. Noooo!" he said while starting to cry.

"Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria." He is dead, then. It's as I feared." Gandalf said.

Out of nowhere, Orcs start heading towards us.

"Stay back! Stay close to Gandalf!" Aragorn instructs the hobbits. Two arrows nearly hit Boromir in the face because he was looking to see where the orcs were coming from. Aragorn and Boromir close the door.

"They have a cave troll!" Boromir said sarcastically. Legolas, Boromir and Aragorn are putting old weapons against the door to help seal it. I took out my bow ready to shot. They move back from the door. Gimli gets on the tomb. Gandalf takes his sword out so do the hobbits. They are trying to bring down the door. An Orc makes a hole in the door, Legolas shoots him in the neck and the Orc falls dead.

Then bring down the door. I start shooting arrows at the Orcs that are coming closer. We all start to fight. The orcs are coming quickly towards us and soon my bow won't be useful. Then out of nowhere a cave troll comes into the room that we are fighting in. The room gets crowded very quickly.

"Great!" I said sarcastically, "just what we need right now!" Legolas chuckles.

The cave troll starts attacking us. A few minutes of fighting.


Frodo is trapped by the troll. Aragorn and I go to fend the troll off. Aragorn uses a long spear to fight the troll. Merry and Pippin are throwing rocks at the troll. The troll gets really mad at Aragorn who is pocking him with a spear, that the troll takes the spear that Aragorn is holding and throws it across the room and knocks Aragorn out. Frodo crawls towards him while I'm trying to fight the troll. It's really hard because it is so big and we are small and are weapons barely do anything.

The troll is trying to stab Frodo with a spear. Frodo backs up, the troll brings the spear closer and closer to him. He stabs Frodo.

Gandalf looks around in shock. Merry and Pippin do the same. 

"Frodo..." Sam said worriedly.

He falls weak and unconscious. Boromir. Gandalf, Gimli and I finish off the Orcs and the troll that is still alive. Legolas and I shot the troll in the mouth with a few arrows. He falls dead. We all run towards the unconscious Frodo. Aragorn wakes up slowly.

I'm at Frodo's sides. I look at his wound. I then see something shiny under his coat. Frodo is still alive.


We are running from the Balrog. We are all on the other side of the bridge except for Gandalf. We are all watching Gandalf fight the Balrog.

"Go back to the shadows." he whispered to the beast. The Balrog walked closer to him, took his fire whip.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!" Gandalf yelled. A white light came out from his staff. The beast tried to come closer but the bridge started to collapse and the Balrog started to fall. Gandalf looked at the beast falling. He started to walk towards us when out of nowhere the fiery whip came out of the hole and grabbed Gandalf by the ankle. He started to fall. Gandalf held on the end of the bridge.

"Gandalf!" I yell. Frodo starts running towards him but Boromir stops him.

"Fly you fools!" he whispers. He lets go and falls towards death. We all head out of the mines. Everyone is sad. Gandalf died. Legolas is shocked.

"Legolas," Aragorn tells him, "get them up."

"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir said.

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs!" he continues, "We must reach the Woods of Lothlórien. Come Boromir. Legolas. Gimli, get them up." We all head out of the mountains and into the plains.

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