Chapter Seven

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The last concert that I would see during the contest was tonight. I was excited but sadden that these weeks were coming to an end.

Harper and I decided to go to the hotel's pool today and meet Mason, Carter, Leo, Sawyer, and Asher later at the concert venue instead of going with them like we usually did.

We were about to get ready to go to the pool when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and surprisingly saw Blake.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Hi, do you have a minute to talk?" Blake asked.

"Yeah sure, come in," I said, widening the door more.

Blake walked in and sat down on the chair that was near the desk and I followed him, sitting on the bed near the small table.

Seeing him was unusual, the only times I saw him was when he picked me and Harper up from the airport then showed us to our hotel room, oh and when he secretly was singing for Sawyer.

I felt bad for him, Blake was doing a lot of work for this band and yet, the management wouldn't let him be the face of his own voice.

"Sorry, I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry about finding out about me. No one was supposed to know except for the management and guys," Blake said.

"Yeah, it's okay. I understand everything's just different now, you know," I responded.

He nodded his head then I continued, "It's not right, you shouldn't be in the shadows of Broken Hearts. You're an amazing singer, just because you don't have 'the look' shouldn't matter. Beauty isn't everything because everyone is beautiful in their own way. It's actually disgusting that this management would hide someone so talented,"

"Thanks, your right," he smiled.

"You and Sawyer should expose them or something. What they did to both of you is wrong," I said, thinking carelessly out loud.

He gave me a look, thinking about my careless thought then said "Actually, that's not a bad idea."

"Really?" I asked, stunned.

"Yeah, I should talk to Sawyer about this. The management played with us too many times. It wouldn't be right to go on singing, knowing the fans are being lied to.... ugh, I should have done this a long time ago, but singing's my passion and this was a huge opportunity. I know what the right thing to do now," Blake groaned.

"Hey, it's okay. That's completely understandable," I assured then continued "Right now, I think you and Sawyer should talk and maybe if he agrees then work out a plan to expose them."

Blake nodded before he said "Thanks for talking with me, Penelope. I really appreciate it."

We smiled at each other before he got up and left my hotel room, to search for Sawyer.

Harper appeared out of the bathroom from getting changed into her swimsuit with a questioning look on her face and I explained the conversation that happened between Blake and me.

"Ugh! Why do I always miss the good stuff whenever I leave the room!" Harper groaned, receiving a giggle from me.

I quickly changed into my swimsuit then we went down to the pool.

We sat on the lounge chairs and began talking about random stuff until Harper brought up Sawyer.

"So, are you and Sawyer still dating?" she asked.

"I don't really know, to be honest. Ever since the Blake thing happened, we haven't really talked to each other about our relationship, I was too caught up in finding out the truth," I said then continued, "I'll probably talk to him tonight after the show about where we stand together, and I also want to find out if he's going to join Blake in uncovering to the world about their terrible management company."

"That seems like a good idea," Harper agreed.

We sat on the lounge chairs for a while until we went to the pool.

It took me a while to adjust to the coldness of the water in the pool but once I did, we swam in the pool for what felt like almost an hour.

I stepped out of the pool feeling the water drip from my hair and walked to the chair to grab my towel.

"Hey, do you want to head back up?" I asked Harper.

"Yeah, let's go," she replied as she climbed out of the pool to get her towel.

We headed back to the room and got ready for the concert and got in the limo to take us to the venue.

Once we arrived at the concert venue, there were many fans getting to their seats.

Harper and I sat in our seats and we knew the concert was about to start when the lights had dimmed, and the screams of the fans echoed throughout the arena.

The band sang the same song setlist from the other concerts while me and Harper danced and sang along for our last concert, enjoying every moment and bouncing off from the arena of fans' energy.

It was a fun night to remember.

When the concert was over, Harper and I went backstage to see the guys.

"Hey," I greeted the boys as we entered the room they were in, I looked directly over to meet Sawyer's eyes before I said, "We need to talk..."

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