Chapter Six

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"If management finds out that you know about this, they're probably are going to pay you off to not say anything about it," Asher said.

"That's not right," I muttered.

"We know, we'll try our hardest to make sure management won't find out," Carter told us.

"Thanks, guys," I gave a small smile.

They all smiled back at me before we drove back into the conversation.

"Although Sawyer should've told her rather than hiding it from her, I think they need to talk it out," Mason murmured.

"She's hurting, I'm hurting, everyone's hurting from this, but your right, Mason. Maybe Penelope should talk it out with him," Harper agreed.

"If he ever cared for me, he should have been honest with me," I mumbled.

"I know for a fact, Sawyer really did like you Penelope. He still does now too," Carter said.

I couldn't even think about it.

I needed to give this whole situation consideration, but it gave me a headache. It had to be dealt with either way, so I had to talk to him.

I admired him so much that it pained me to be angry with him.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow, I'm still stunned from tonight."

The night quickly ran into the next morning, the morning I needed to talk to Sawyer.

I got ready for the day and I walked out of the hotel room door to go to Sawyer's room.

Just as I was almost at the door, it flew open.

Sawyer was walking out of the suite when he saw me his eyes lit up.

"Just who I wanted to talk to," he cheekily said to me.

"Don't try to pretend you care about me, I'm still mad at you," I growled at him.

"Please, we need to talk this out," Sawyer frowned.

"Fine," I said.

We walked towards the restaurant of the hotel to sit down so we could talk.

"I just want to tell you how deeply sorry I am. I even was about to pull out of this deal from the beginning, but I couldn't because I love these fans, they are the sweetest people in the world and I haven't even met half of them, I just didn't quit because I didn't want to disappoint them. I never meant to hurt you, I care so much about you," Sawyer began.

"Would you have ever told me about Blake if I didn't find out?" I asked, looking into his eyes for his answer.

"I was planning to tell you after this contest because I really like and trust you," he said softly.

I looked at him after he spoke; he really looked genuinely sad that I found out about Blake this way.

He looked sorry.

Sawyer really did care about me, he was trying to protect me from getting hurt.

"I still like about you, Penelope. You don't know how mad at myself that I didn't tell you sooner and that you had to find out in the worst way. I promise I will never lie to you again, please will you ever forgive me?" he continued.

"Yes, I forgive you and I understand why you did what you did," I said.

Sawyer smiled hopefully at me, and I smiled back.

He came up to me and gave me bear hug.

"Can't breathe," I squealed.

"Oh sorry!" he laughed then continued "Thank you for forgiving me, Penelope."

"Just promise to never hurt me again," I whispered.

"I promise," Sawyer promised sincerely.

From that, I felt that he wouldn't hurt me again.

"So, what do you want to do now?" he asked.

"I think you need to just talk to Harper, I kind of told her what happened and she's a bit shocked about it," I said sheepishly.

"Oh okay, I'll walk you to your room and talk to her," He replied.

We walked back and entered my suite to see Harper re-watching another episode of her favourite show "The Office."

She turned off the T.V when she saw us come in.

"I see that your feeling better now," she said as her eyes flashed between Sawyer and me.

"Yeah, I understood why he did it now," I said.

Harper nodded her head then said, "Help me understand too."

Sawyer explained to her why he did this and why he couldn't quit earlier.

I could tell Harper knew he was honest about this too, it was written on her facial expression.

It changed from feeling suspicious to kindness. 

After he spoke to her, she gave him a hug and smiled at him.

With me and Harper understanding Sawyer and his situation, my relationship with him and the band was stronger than it was before.

This situation somehow brought us all closer as friends.

The contest would be over in a matter of days, the last few shows that I'd see during the contest was in a couple of days and I couldn't be happier to enjoy it knowing the whole truth now.

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