Chapter Five

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It was unbelievable.

I could not believe my eyes of what I was seeing. I had just seen Blake singing, but it was Sawyer's singing voice.

Then I suddenly realized it was never Sawyer singing ever. My heart fell to my stomach. It was Blake, the guy who was at the airport to take Harper and me to the private jet. The guy that showed us our hotel... Blake was the real singer all along.

I was heartbroken and hurt. I looked at Sawyer and my sadness quickly turned into anger.


"It's not what you think it is..." Sawyer trailed off, pulling me into his arms to calm me down.

"WHAT I THINK I JUST SAW IS THAT YOU NEVER SANG. IT WAS NEVER YOU, IT WAS ALWAYS BLAKE.  YOU LIED. YOU FAKED IT ALL. THIS WAS JUST A FACADE!" I screamed at him pushing his arms off of me, as my hot tears blurred my eye-sight.

"Please let me explain," he pleaded.

I glared at him but still nodded my head.

"The real reason why you saw Blake singing, is because it was his voice all along. The management of the band liked his voice but didn't think he had the right look to be a part of Broken Hearts, so they kept him on to sing for me. Then management hired me because I had the right look compared to him," Sawyer confessed.

"Then how did you perform on stage for concerts?" I asked.

"There was always a pre-set recording of the song that the band was singing for the concert. I would have to lip sync to all the songs," he told me.

"Whoa," I breathed out, taking in all the information I had just been given.

"Will you be able to ever forgive me?" he asked.
"I need to process this all, I'll talk to you tomorrow," I whispered.

'Was what he said even true?' I thought to myself.

Sawyer nodded his head and kissed my cheek before I left the room.

Once I left the suite, I had bursted out into tears again.

I didn't know how to feel about this.

It was such a problematic situation that I had just discovered.

I felt my heart breaking from just thinking about this band I thought I knew and loved. I couldn't believe it.

The truth hurt.

I finally got to my room and I saw the person that I needed the most. My best friend, Harper. She was the sister I never had. She would always know how I felt, what I liked or disliked. She truly cared about me.

Harper saw me as I walked into the room and her smile dropped from her face. She rushed to be right where I was standing to comfort me.

"Oh no! Penelope, what happened?" She asked, with a concerned look on her face.

I explained to her what happened, and she too was in shock.

It was a while until she said "It's going to be alright. We don't have long until this contest is over. At least we got to experience this."

"I know, I was just surprised to find out something you didn't expect from something you admire a lot," I sniffled.

Harper pulled me closer in for a hug and we stayed in the same spot, consoling each other.

I was depressed knowing that my favourite member of a band that I adored for so many years had been lying to me all along.

My happy memories of them were turning into sad ones after knowing that I, alongside millions of other fans, were lied to. Yet, Me and Harper were the only fans that knew about this secret.

It wasn't long until I heard a knock on our door.

"I'll get it, it's probably room service anyways," Harper said in a reassuring tone.

"Don't get me wrong I love you guys but not at this exact moment so what is it now," I heard Harper snapped.

That definitely was not room service.

I slowly walked to see who she was talking to.
It was Mason, Leo, Carter, and Asher.

"Where's Sawyer?" she rebuked.

"Look, we came to talk to you girls without Sawyer. We heard about what happened to him and Penelope earlier and I'm sure you have too," Leo said.

I walked back to where I was sitting previously from standing up right before the boys came inside the room.

They all gave me a sympathetic look before Asher said, "Alright let's talk."

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