That question could be interpreted a few different ways, but I did my best. "Well, all of the Olympians had to agree to bless us. One panful, glowing, white light later, and all of us were ten feet tall and strong enough to bench a school bus." That received some impressed looks. "We are just minor gods. Minor gods are either children of Olympians, like us, or younger, and less powerful gods. We have domains just like the Olympians, but our powers are contained within theirs." The team looked completely lost.

"For example, I'm the god of tropical storms. I have a few other powers, but that's my main one. Tropical storms are contained within Poseidon's realm. Annabeth is the goddess of Architecture, which is contained within Athena's realm of wisdom and useful crafts. See?"

"But you still retained the powers you had as a demigod?" asked Bruce.

"Yup. Most of them got stronger too, or expanded."

"Expanded?" asked Natasha.

I nodded, "Before the transition, I could do this." They jumped as I caused water to shoot out of the sink, swirl towards me, and collect in a small ball in front of my face. 

"But after the transition, I can do this, too." 

I concentrated and watched the ball of water stretch it's self into the shape of a bowl, and then grow a stem, like on a wineglass. 

"That's not very im-" started Tony, but he was cut off by the awesomeness of my next trick.

I flicked my wrist and froze the water into an exact replica of one of the goblets we used at Camp Half-Blood. 

"Was there any reason you couldn't just tell us that 'expanding' meant that you could freeze water as well?" Fury asked.

"Oh c'mon. That was awesome!" I protested.

Meanwhile, Bruce and Tony had snatched the glass out of the air and were pressing their hands against it. 

"What the heck, guys?" I was utterly confused.

They ignored me, but Bruce said aloud, "It doesn't melt, and is quite resistant to pressure."

Should I add this to his file?

I jumped and whirled around, Riptide at the ready.

"Percy?" said Natasha softly, "That's still JARVIS." 

I sat down quickly, embarrassed. I noticed that Tony and Bruce had relinquished the goblet and were looking at me with weakly hidden concern.

"What?" I was fairly sure I knew the reason behind their concern, but I was hoping they'd stop looking at me like that if I acted like there was nothing wrong.   

"You've been here two and a half days, and you're still jumpy about JARVIS. We know your diagnosis, Percy," said Clint with a sympathetic look in his eyes. 

Heroesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें